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Il cantiere di Sassuolo per la messa in sicurezza delle opere colpite dal sisma 2012: l'esperienza del cantiere didattico

Abstract: "In seguito al terremoto dell’Emilia Romagna, le Scuole di Alta Formazione dell’OPD e dell’ISCR sono state chiamate per organizzare un cantiere didattico sulle opere mobili danneggiate e ricoverate nel Palazzo Ducale di Sassuolo, luogo adibito per l’emergenza a grande laboratorio e deposito".

Sisma Emilia 2012: dall'evento alla gestione tecnica dell'emergenza

Abstract: "Volume risultato della collaborazione tra il Dipartimento della Protezione Civile della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, la Regione Emilia-Romagna e il Consiglio Nazionale degli Ingegneri, oltre al contributo della Federazione Ordini degli Ingegneri dell’Emilia-Romagna. Al centro del libero i ruolo svolto dagli Ordini provinciali degli Ingegneri e dagli altri soggetti operanti a livello locale […]

Text mining and network analysis to support improvements in legislative action. The case of the earthquake in Emilia-Romagna
Curve di fragilità empiriche relative agli edifici industriali colpiti dalla sequenza sismica del 2012 in Emilia

Abstract: "La valutazione della risposta sismica di edifici esistenti in muratura ricopre una tematica di rilievo sempre maggiore nello sviluppo di strategie di prevenzione e riduzione del rischio sismico. Molteplici sono i fattori che influenzano la sicurezza strutturale dei singoli edifici e i loro effetti possono essere apprezzati attraverso l’adozione di differenti metodologie di analisi. […]

Stima di curve di fragilità sismica per strutture prefabbricate in c.a. sulla base di dati osservazionali sul danneggiamento prodotto dal terremoto dell’Emilia

Abstract: "La memoria presenta modelli parametrici di fragilità sismica per strutture prefabbricate in calcestruzzo armato, calibrati sulla base di dati osservazionali sul danneggiamento prodotto dal terremoto dell’Emilia del 2012. In particolare è stato classificato il danneggiamento di 1890 edifici utilizzando una scala a sei livelli derivata dalla Scala Macrosismica Europea. La completezza della base dati […]

UniMoRe e il terremoto del 2012 in Emilia-Romagna. Interveniti e ricerche per fronteggiare l'emergenza e sostenere la ripresa
Resilienza e Impresa. L'impatto dei disastri naturali sulle piccole imprese commerciali al dettaglio
The resilient retail entrepreneur: Dynamic capabilities for facing natural disasters

Abstract: "The purpose of this paper is to investigate the formative dimensions of organizational resilience – namely dynamic capabilities (DCs) and social capital – displayed by retail entrepreneurs in the face of natural disasters (i.e. the 2012 Emilia earthquake). The paper evaluates social capital and the various types of DCs that support small entrepreneurs’ resilience […]

La costruzione dell'emergenza. Aiuto, assistenza e controllo tra disastri e migrazioni forzate in Italia

Abstract: "L’articolo propone una riflessione preliminare sulle modalità attraverso le quali i disastri e le migrazioni forzate vengono descritti e rappresentati nel discorso pubblico, secondo retoriche che li concettualizzano tramite il paradigma dell’emergenza. A livello istituzionale essi vengono affrontati utilizzando lo stesso dispositivo, il quale, in forza dell’emergenza, impone, grazie al principio d’ingerenza, un sistema […]

Annual Disaster Statistical Review 2012. The numbers and trends
Scuola e terremoto: una occasione per analizzare e migliorare i piani di emergenza nelle strutture scolastiche

Abstract: "Le scuole, come gli altri ambienti di lavoro, devono avere piani di emergenza che non considerino soltanto il primo soccorso e la lotta antincendio ma anche gli altri rischi presumibili, in funzione delle condizioni ambientali, dell’edificio, degli studenti, ecc. Spesso ciò non avviene o comunque non con la giusta attenzione al contesto di ogni […]

Cosa fare in caso di terremoto? Indicazioni per un piano di emergenza nelle scuole
Sicurezza e innovazione nelle strutture turistico-alberghiere. Prevenzione incendi, fruibilità e risparmio energetico

Abstract: "Questo volume è un progetto editoriale a cura del Laboratorio TekneHub del Tecnopolo dell’Università di Ferrara. Per informazioni sull’attività editoriale dell’Università di Ferrara si può consultare il sito: Sono stati qui raccolti ed elaborati in forma manualistica i contributi di alcuni dei relatori al convegno “Sicurezza e innovazione nelle strutture turistico‐alberghiere.” Prevenzione incendi, […]

Le nostre scuole prima di tutto. Our schools, first and foremost
Key points of humans awareness and emergency planning. Schools as a case study
La gestione delle emergenze: relazione fra piani aziendali e rischi ambientali
Patrimonio culturale e post-sisma a Mirandola: il centro storico tra ricostruzione, tutela e rigenerazione
Una faglia tra storia e memoria. Il centro di documentazione sul terremoto dell’Emilia

Abstract: "L’articolo è un resoconto di un’esperienza di stage realizzata all’interno del Master di II livello in Public History di Unimore, in collaborazione con il Comune di Mirandola e l’Istituto Storico di Modena. La ricerca si è concentrata sull’avvio del futuro Centro di documentazione sul terremoto dell’Emilia".

La situazione dei Beni Culturali emiliani dopo il sisma del 2012

Abstract: "Si analizzano le parti gestionali relative al post emergenza e le componenti economiche (finanziamenti, donazioni) nelle loro problematiche".

A Report on the 2012 Seismic Sequence in Emilia (Northern Italy)

Abstract: "Since mid-May 2012, an energetic seismic sequence has affected the northern part of Italy and specifically a wide sector of the Po River Plain. The sequence has been dominated by two main events: a) Mw = 5.9 occurred near Finale Emilia on May 20th at a depth of 6.3 km, and b) Mw=5.8 occurred […]

Cartografia speditiva dell’amplificazione e del rischio di liquefazione nelle aree epicentrali del terremoto dell’Emilia 2012 (ML=5.9)

Abstract:  "Il 20 maggio 2012 in Pianura Padana è iniziata una sequenza sismica che ha interessato una vasta area compresa tra le Province di Reggio Emilia, Modena, Mantova, Bologna e Ferrara. La prima forte scossa, di magnitudo locale ML=5,9, è avvenuta alle 4:03 ora locale, con epicentro tra Mirandola e Finale Emilia, seguita, nel giro […]

Microzonazione Sismica dellàarea epicentrale del terremoto della pianura emiliana del 2012 (Ord. 70/2012)
Acquisizione di dati geologici nell’Oltrepò Mantovano utili alla valutazione della pericolosità sismica per le aree colpite dalla sequenza del maggio 2012. Rapporto finale.
Rapporto preliminare sui diffusi fenomeni di liquefazione verificatisi durante il terremoto in pianura Padana-Emiliana del Maggio 2012, Gruppo di Lavoro Liquefazione – Regione Emilia-Romagna, 31 mag. 2012.

Abstract: "A seguito della segnalazione di fenomeni di liquefazione indotti nelle aree colpite dal terremoto del 20/05/2012 e su invito del Dott. Luca Martelli del Servizio Geologico e Sismico dei Suoli della Regione Emilia‐Romagna a recarsi sui luoghi maggiormente interessati da tali fenomeni, in data 21/05/2012 una squadra di docenti e ricercatori della Sezione Geotecnica del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale (DICeA) dell’Università di Firenze, composta dal Prof. Giovanni Vannucchi, Prof.ssa Claudia Madiai, Ing. Johann Facciorusso, Ing. Alberto Puliti, Dr. Geol. Maria Manuel, ha effettuato un sopralluogo nelle zone di San Carlo, Mirabello e Finale Emlia per una prima rilevazione delle manifestazioni (Figura 1). Ulteriori sopralluoghi e rilevazioni nei siti di San Carlo, Mirabello e Dodici Morelli sono stati effettuati in data 25/05/2012 dalla Prof.ssa Teresa Crespellani e dall’Ing. Facciorusso, in data 26/05/2012 dall’Ing. Alessandro Ghinelli e dall’Ing. Stefano Renzi, in data 28/05/2012 dall’ Ing. Johann Facciorusso e dall’Ing. Alessandro Ghinelli. A seguito della scossa del 29/05/2012 è stato eseguito dall’Ing. Stefano Renzi un nuovo sopralluogo sugli stessi siti già visitati in precedenza. In Figura 1 sono ubicati i comuni nei quali sono stati effettuati i sopralluoghi e gli epicentri delle principali scosse (si veda la Tabella1). Oltre all’osservazione e alla rilevazione fotografica delle evidenze di liquefazione (vulcanelli, cedimenti, lateral spreading, sollevamenti del terreno, rotture, ecc.), sono state determinate le coordinate dei luoghi interessati dal fenomeno e sono stati prelevati campioni del materiale fuoriuscito per studiarne la distribuzione granulometrica nel Laboratorio di Geotecnica del DICeA. Sono state anche effettuate delle ricognizioni sugli effetti della liquefazione su numerosi edifici presenti nella zona. L’osservazione sul campo delle manifestazioni di liquefazione è stata arricchita da notizie e da testimonianze degli abitanti che in alcuni casi hanno fornito elementi interessanti sulle tecniche fondali, sui livelli dell’acqua prima e dopo la scossa sismica principale. Sebbene i casi di liquefazione riscontrati siano risultati piuttosto diffusi ed  estesi a tutta l’area colpita dal terremoto e spesso con manifestazioni evidenti e spettacolari, si è deciso, in questa prima fase di emergenza, di concentrare l’attenzione su quei siti dove il fenomeno sembra avere influenzato maggiormente la stabilità degli edifici e del loro sistema di fondazioni, ovvero nei centri abitati di San Carlo e Mirabello. Dopo alcuni brevi richiami sulla liquefazione dei terreni durante i terremoti, utili ai fini dell’inquadramento dei fenomeni riscontrati nel caso specifico, vengono svolte alcune considerazioni preliminari come contributo alla identificazione del tipo di indagini da effettuare sia per approfondire le dinamiche del fenomeno sotto il profilo scientifico sia in vista delle operazioni che dovranno essere condotte nel breve e medio periodo. Quindi verrà fornito un quadro sintetico delle informazioni geologiche e geotecniche disponibili anche attraverso una breve disamina delle indagini estratte dalla banca dati della Regione EmiliaRomagna, con qualche breve cenno storico circa l’evoluzione dell’utilizzo del territorio."

Metodi semplificati per la stima dell’occorrenza dei fenomeni di liquefazione: la lezione del terremoto Emiliano
Risposta sismica locale e pericolosità sismica di liquefazione a San Carlo e Mirabello (FE), Gruppo di Lavoro Liquefazione à Regione Emilia-Romagna, 3 ott. 2012.
Soil liquefaction phenomena observed in recent seismic events in Emilia-Romagna Region, Italy

Abstract: "Significant and widespread liquefaction effects, which caused panic of inhabitants and damage to buildings and infrastructures, were observed in various areas of Emilia-Romagna region, Italy, during the seismic events of May 20 and 29, 2012, with magnitude respectively of Ml 5.9 and Ml. 5.8. In Italian seismic literature these phenomena represent an interesting case […]

Sedimentology and composition of sands injected during the seismic crisis of May 2012 (Emilia, Italy): clues for source layer identification and liquefaction regime

Abstract: "In May 2012 widespread sand blows formed along buried channels in the eastern sector of the Po Plain (Northern Italy) as a consequence of a series of seismic events with main shocks of Mw 6.1 and 5.9. At San Carlo (Ferrara) a trench dug a few week after the earthquakes exposed sand dikes cutting […]

Natural disasters as stress-tests for housing systems. Vulnerability and local resistance to the 2012 earthquake in Italy: Natural disasters as stress-tests for housing

Abstract: "Earthquakes often occur in Italy: for built‐up areas, they represent exogenous stress tests, acting as catalysts for long‐term socio‐economic processes and testing local resilience and resistance. This work considers damages to residential buildings after the 2012 earthquake in Emilia, at census tract level. First, cluster analysis points out which are the most vulnerable census […]

Ambient vibration-based finite element model updating of an earthquake-damaged masonry tower

Abstract: "This paper presents a vibration‐based model updating procedure for historical masonry structures which have suffered severe damage due to seismic events. This allows gathering in‐depth insights on the current condition of damaged buildings, which can be beneficial for the knowledge of their actual structural behaviour and, consequently, for the design of repairing and strengthening […]

Damage and collapses in industrial precast buildings after the 2012 Emilia earthquake
Terremoti in Val Padana. Storia e attualità

Abstract: "Emilia, 20 e 29 maggio 2012. La terra ha tremato terribilmente e ha colto tutti di sorpresa. Il rischio sismico nella Pianura Padana si è così posto all’ordine del giorno, ma la storia ci dice che questa attività geologica, che ha interessato la valle del Po negli ultimi tempi, ha in verità numerosi precedenti […]

Observational failure analysis of precast buildings after the 2012 Emilia earthquakes
Empirical seismic fragility for the precast RC industrial buildings damaged by the 2012 Emilia (Italy) earthquake
Interventi finalizzati alla fruibilità post-sismica delle strutture prefabbricate del Polo Scientifico-Tecnologico dell'Università di Ferrara

Abstract: "Gli eventi sismici del maggio 2012 hanno investito il territorio urbano di Ferrara con un’intensità sismica agS non superiore a 0.15g, danneggiando localmente alcune co-struzioni in muratura storiche o caratterizzate da uno stato di degrado o da cattiva qua-lità. Negli edifici in c.a. con più di tre piani, i danni si sono concentrati nei […]

Analisi dinamiche non lineari a supporto della valutazione della vulnerabilità e delle ipotesi di intervento di miglioramento sismico dei Laboratori del Polo Scientifico-Tecnologico di Ferrara

Abstract: "La maggior parte dei capannoni che sorgono nel territorio emiliano investito dalla sequenza sismica del 2012 è stata costruita in un periodo precedente all’entrata in vigore di criteri di progetto specifici per la resistenza alle azioni sismiche. Come conseguenza, le ben note carenze dei collegamenti fra tegoli di copertura e travi, fra travi e […]

Curve empiriche di vulnerabilità per gli edifici prefabbricati colpiti dai terremoti emiliani del 2012

Abstract: "La sequenza sismica emiliana del 2012 ha investito un’area fortemente industrializzata comprendente alcune migliaia di edifici prefabbricati in c.a. A causa della mancanza di una specifica progettazione nei confronti delle azioni simiche, molti di tali edifici hanno riportato gravi danni. Lo studio riguarda un inventario preliminare dei danni riportati da 1133 edifici. L’entità dei […]

Assessment of the seismic retrofitting for two precast rc buildings using nonlinear time-history analyses, OpenSees Days Italy (OSD)

Abstract: "The paper reports the main results of the analyses carried out on two precast RC buildings located in the Scientific-Technological campus of the University of Ferrara. The maximum tolerable PGA obtained from linear elastic analyses for the Engineering laboratories is about 53% of the reference value for new buildings. For the Physics laboratory, the […]

Un primo inventario dei danni in edifici prefabbricati a seguito del sisma dell’Emilia del 2012

Abstract: "La sequenza sismica emiliana del 2012 ha investito un’area fortemente industrializzata comprendente alcune migliaia di edifici prefabbricati in c.a. A causa della mancanza di una specifica progettazione nei confronti delle azioni simiche, molti di tali edifici hanno riportato gravi danni. Lo studio riguarda un inventario preliminare dei danni riportati da 1133 edifici prefabbricati. Le […]

Abitare i disastri. Crisi e pratiche dell'abitare nel sisma emiliano
La catastrofe come occasione. Etnografie dal sisma emiliano tra engagement e possibile consulenza

Abstract: "This essay is the result of two studies conducted in the Bassa Emiliana, where an earthquake occurred in May 2012. Specific interlocutors are the members of the committee Sisma.12 and the storekeepers of Mirandola’s old town. Considering the bottom-up practices observed and the international disaster management as complementary and interacting frames, these two ethnographies […]

Post-Disaster Imaginations. “Alterpolitics” of reconstruction after the Emilian earthquake, Politcal Imagination Laboratory. Visualizing and Contextualizing Ethnographies of Social Movements (14-16 ott. 2016, Università di Perugia).

Abstract: "In this paper I would like to analyse the " imaginations of reconstruction " that have been created by subjects who were involved in the earthquake that hit the Po Valley in Emilia Romagna (Italy) on 20th and 29th May 2012. I will focus particularly on the way in which official reconstruction procedures, guided […]

Politiche del disastro: poteri e contropoteri nel terremoto emiliano
Emilia: dopo il sisma archeologi in campo

Abstract: "Caso di intervento archeologico a seguito del sisma del maggio 2012 in Emilia Romagna."

Emilia: archeologi dopo il sisma
Dal sisma alla ricostruzione. Un caso di paesaggio, acque e di architettura tra Emilia e Lombardia
Positioning as a method.The earthquake in Emilia Romagna and the forms of “exilience”
La catastrofe come crisi organica ri-generativa. Per un’analisi gramsciana del sisma di maggio 2012,

Abstract: "In this research the author wishes to demonstrate – through the application of Gramscian theory to Ethnography – the the regenerative potential of catastrophes, focusing in particular on their ability to create new forms of (re)existence. This hypothesis informs the fieldwork and was developed from the Gramscian concept of “organic crisis” as a result […]

Fukushima, Concordia e altre macerie : vita quotidiana, resistenza e gestione del disastro
«Geografie morali» e percezioni collettive dei rischi naturali: conseguenze territoriali del terremoto in Emilia

Abstract: "Come può una paura collettiva influire sulla progettazione territo- riale e sulla modificazione, eventuale, del paesaggio, attestando una differente condizione di presenza antropica sul territorio? Lontano da qualsivoglia analisi di tipo psicologico, si proverà a intravedere che tipo di rapporto possa sussistere tra la percezione «collettiva» di un pericolo naturale, di un rischio idrogeologico, […]

Terremoto in Emilia Romagna (2012): le attività della Rete Sismica Mobile stand-alone (Re. Mo.)

Abstract: "A seguito del forte evento sismico che la notte del 20 maggio 2012 ha interessato la Pianura Padana Emiliana, è stato attivato il Pronto Intervento Sismico dell’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), come codificato nell’Allegato A1 della Convenzione 2 vigente fra l’ente e il Dipartimento di Protezione Civile (DPC). Nelle prime 72 ore sono state […]

Uno sguardo sociologico su partecipazione e disastri socio-naturali e un’analisi di sfondo su rischi e opportunità nel post terremoto di Mirandola

Abstract: "I disastri naturali amplificano le vulnerabilità sociali del territorio, evidenziano i meccanismi virtuosi e i malfunzionamenti dei sistemi di governance locale e valorizzano il capitale sociale. Il volume presenta una ricca analisi di casi, mettendo a confronto diversi disastri naturali in un arco di tempo di più di mezzo secolo. Lo studio delle dinamiche […]

The 2012 Emilia earthquake (Italy): Geotechnical characterization and ground response analyses of the paleo-Reno river levees

Abstract: "In 2012 Northern Italy was hit by a seismic sequence with earthquakes of moderate local magnitudes and shallow hypocentral depths. After the main shocks of May 20, collapse of buildings and lifeline ruptures were widely observed in the epicentral area within a distance of about 15 km, where large acceleration values with prevailing vertical […]

CPT-Based Liquefaction Case History from the 2012 Emilia Earthquake in Italy
Soil Liquefaction Analyses in a test-area affected by the 2012 Emilia-Romagna Earthquake (Italy)

Abstract: "Significant and widespread liquefaction effects were observed in the area of San Carlo and Mirabello villages during the Emilia-Romagna earthquake of May 20 and 29, 2012. After the earthquake, an intensive program of laboratory and in situ (mostly CPT’s) tests was carried out in the affected area. The stratigraphic and geotechnical conditions have been […]

Soil liquefaction during the Emilia, 2012 seismic sequence: investigation and analysis

Abstract: "In the framework of a Project issued by the Italian National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) a Research Unit (RU) has been granted with the commitment to provide a link between the seismic shaking and the triggering of ground failures such as liquefaction. The main goals have regarded both the enlargement of the […]

Effetti di liquefazione osservati a San Carlo (FE) durante il terremoto del 20 maggio e stima del rischio di liquefazione

Abstract: "Durante il terremoto del maggio 2012 nella pianura padana-emiliana si sono verificati estesi e diffusi fenomeni di li-quefazione, particolarmente concentrati nell’area di San Carlo – Mirabello. Le condizioni stratigrafiche e geotecniche, studiate attraverso numerose indagini in sito e di laboratorio, sono predisponenti i fenomeni di liquefazione. Le condi-zioni scatenanti, ovvero l’azione sismica attesa con […]

Microzonazione Sismica e analisi della condizione limite per le emergenze delle aree epicentrali dei terremoti della Pianura Emiliana di Maggio-Giugno 2012 (Ordinanza del Commisario Delegato à Presidente della Regione Emilia-Romagna n. 70/2012), E-R Ambiente, 2014.

Abstract: "Il 20 maggio 2012 in Pianura Padana è iniziata una sequenza sismica che ha interessato una vasta area compresa tra le Province di Reggio Emilia, Modena, Mantova, Bologna e Ferrara. La prima forte scossa, di magnitudo locale ML=5.9, è avvenuta alle 4:03 ora locale, con epicentro tra Mirandola e Finale Emilia, seguita, nel giro […]

Earthquake geotechnical engineering aspects: the 2012 Emilia Romagna

Abstract: "On May 20, 2012 an earthquake of magnitude ML=5.9 struck the Emilia Romagna Region of Italy and a little portion of Lombardia Region. Successive earthquakes occurred on May 29, 2012 with ML=5.8 and ML=5.3. The earthquakes caused 27 deaths, of which 13 on industrial buildings. The damage was considerable. 12,000 buildings were severely damaged; […]

Innovazione e sviluppo dopo il sisma in Emilia. In B. Oppi, S. Martello (a cura di), Relazioni pubbliche e disastri ambientali.
National Civil Protection Organization and technical activities in the 2012 Emilia earthquakes (Italy)

Abstract: "On May 2012, a severe seismic sequence occurred in the central part of the Po Plain (Northern Italy). It was characterized by two main shocks displaying local magnitudes 5.9 (on May 20th) and 5.8 (on May 29th), respectively; the maximum observed intensity was VII–VIII on the MCS scale. The emergency response was coordinated as […]

May 2012 Emilia earthquakes (MW 6, Northern Italy): macroseismic effects distribution and seismotectonic implications

Abstract: "We have carried out the macroseismic survey of both the May 20 (Mw 6.1) and May 29 (Mw 6.0) earthquakes in Emilia (Po Plain, northern Italy) by applying the Mercalli-Cancani-Sieberg scale, on 190 localities, mainly spread south of the Po River. Our data account for an Io 7 MCS evaluated for both earthquakes, with […]

The role of site effects in the comparison between code provisions and the near field strong motion of the Emilia 2012 earthquakes

Abstract: "A damaging seismic sequence hit a wide area mainly located in the Emilia-Romagna region (Northern Italy) during 2012 with several events of local magnitude Ml≥5 Ml≥5, among which the Ml Ml 5.9 May 20 and the Ml Ml5.8 May 29 were the main events. Thanks to the presence of a permanent accelerometric station very […]

La coesistenza tra insetti ed alimenti nelle aree coinvolte dal sisma di maggio 2012.
The 2012 Emilia seismic sequence (Northern Italy): Imaging the thrust fault system by accurate aftershock location

Abstract: "Starting from late May 2012, the Emilia region (Northern Italy) was severely shaken by an intense seismic sequence, originated from a ML 5.9 earthquake on May 20th, at a hypocentral depth of 6.3 km, with thrust-type focal mechanism. In the following days, the seismic rate remained high, counting 50 ML ≥ 2.0 earthquakes a day, on average. […]

Site response estimation at Mirandola by virtual reference station

Abstract: "In this paper, we address the issue of evaluating the seismic site response for sites located on large alluvial plains, for which no reference sites can be identified, but some earthquakes can be simultaneously recorded at both surface and depth. In the proposed method, surface and borehole records are firstly used to assess the […]

Was the Mirandola thrust really involved in the Emilia 2012 seismic sequence (northern Italy)? Implications on the likelihood of triggered seismicity effects

Abstract: "We present the results of an interdisciplinary study aimed at defining the geometry of the fault segments activated by the Emilia 2012 thrust sequence (MW up to 6.1), which are located at the front of the Ferrara Arc (northern Italy) and partially overlap with an area undergoing hydrocarbon exploitation since 1980 (Cavone oil field). […]

Modeling earthquake effects on groundwater levels: evidences from the 2012 Emilia earthquake (Italy)

Abstract: "Changes in water level are commonly reported in regions struck by a seismic event. The sign and amplitude of such changes depend on the relative position of measuring points with respect to the hypocenter, and on the poroelastic properties of the rock. We apply a porous media flow model (TOUGH2) to describe groundwater flow […]

The survey and mapping of sand-boil landforms related to the Emilia 2012 earthquakes: preliminary results

Abstract: "Sand boils, which are also known as sand blows or sand volcanoes, are among the most common superficial effects induced by high-magnitude earthquakes. These generally occur in or close to alluvial plains when a strong earthquake (M >5) strikes on a lens of saturated and unconsolidated sand deposits that are constrained between silt-clay layers […]

A large scale ambient vibration survey in the area damaged by May–June 2012 seismic sequence in Emilia Romagna, Italy

Abstract: "Results of an extensive ambient vibration surveys carried out by different research teams in the area damaged by May–June 2012 seismic sequence in Emilia Romagna (Northern Italy) are summarized and analysed. In particular, ambient vibrations were acquired by both single station and seismic array configurations. Average horizontal to vertical spectral ratios (HVSR) at single […]

La crisi in Emilia del Maggio-Giugno 2012 e la tettonica attiva in Appennino settentrionale
Quick regional centroid moment tensor solutions for the Emilia 2012 (northern Italy) seismic sequence

Abstract: "In May 2012, a seismic sequence struck the Emilia region (northern Italy). The mainshock, of Ml 5.9, occurred on May 20, 2012, at 02:03 UTC. This was preceded by a smaller Ml 4.1 foreshock some hours before (23:13 UTC on May 19, 2012) and followed by more than 2,500 earthquakes in the magnitude range […]

Polygenetic sand volcanoes: On the features of liquefaction processes generated by a single event (2012 Emilia Romagna 5.9 Mw earthquake, Italy)
A peak acceleration threshold for soil liquefaction: lessons learned from the 2012 Emilia earthquake (Italy)

Abstract: "National and international seismic codes and recommendations provide criteria for liquefaction exclusion based on a peak ground acceleration (PGA) threshold value. In this paper, after a brief review of the procedures and the values suggested in those documents, a database of liquefaction case histories was created, exploiting the background data used in the most […]

Source inversion of the 1570 Ferrara earthquake and definitive diversion of the Po River (Italy)

Abstract: "An 11‐parameter, kinematic‐function (KF) model was used to retrieve the approximate geometrical and kinematic characteristics of the fault source of the 1570 Mw 5.8 Ferrara earthquake in the Po Plain, including the double‐couple orientation (strike angle 127 ± 16°, dip 28 ± 7°, and rake 77 ± 16°). These results are compatible with either the outermost thrust fronts of the […]

New insights into the 2012 Emilia (Italy) seismic sequence through advanced numerical modeling of round deformation InSAR measurements
The 2012 Emilia, Italy, Quasi-Consecutive Triggered Mainshocks: Implications for Seismic Hazard

Abstract: "The 2012 Emilia seismic sequence in central Italy represents an illustrative example of quasi‐consecutive triggering with several mainshocks occurring within a few hours or a few days. The sequence was characterized by seven earthquakes of moment magnitude Mw>5, rupturing adjacent fault segments of the buried fold arc of the northern Apennines, for a total […]

The Seismotectonics of the Po Plain (Northern Italy): Tectonic Diversity in a Blind Faulting Domain

Abstract: "We present a systematic and updated overview of a seismotectonic model for the Po Plain (northern Italy). This flat and apparently quiet tectonic domain is, in fact, rather active as it comprises the shortened foreland and foredeep of both the Southern Alps and the Northern Apennines. Assessing its seismic hazard is crucial due to […]

Fluid pressure, stress field and propagation style of coalescing thrusts from the analysis of the 20 May 2012 ML 5.9 Emilia earthquake (Northern Apennines, Italy)

Abstract: "Two major earthquakes of ML 5.9 and 5.8 and hundreds of aftershocks affected the Emilia region (Po Plain, Italy) between 20 May and June 2012. The events concentrate in the uppermost 10 km of the crust with few events up to 30 km. Two buried, sub‐parallel N100°E striking thrusts of the Northern Apennines belt are reactivated. […]

Mappatura dell'anticlinale di Mirandola, Italia, Mediante Misure HVSR
Il complesso sistema di sorgenti sismogeniche nell'area ferrarese e i loro effetti nella storia
Palaeoseismological evidence for the 1570 Ferrara earthquake, Italy
The use of HVSR measurements for investigating buried tectonic structures: the Mirandola anticline, Northern Italy, as a case study

Abstract: "The Mirandola anticline represents a buried fault-propagation fold which has been growing during Quaternary due to the seismogenic activity of a blind segment belonging to the broader Ferrara Arc. The last reactivation occurred during the May 2012 Emilia sequence. In correspondence with this structure, the thickness of the marine and continental deposits of the […]

Stratigraphic control on earthquake-induced liquefaction: A case study from the Central Po Plain (Italy)

Abstract: "Studies on earthquake-induced liquefaction tied to high-resolution stratigraphic analysis have been rarely undertaken. We report the results of a multidisciplinary study from the Quistello–Moglia area, in the central Po Plain (northern Italy). In this region, combined stratigraphic, sedimentological, geotechnical, and geochemical data allowed assessment of liquefaction potential and identification of the primary source for […]

The first Italian blast-induced liquefaction test (Mirabello, Emilia-Romagna, Italy): description of the experiment and preliminary results

Abstract: "Soil liquefaction can result in significant settlement and reduction of load-bearing capacity. Moreover, the increase and the accumulation of pore pressure during an earthquake and its post-seismic dissipation can generate permanent deformations and settlements. The quantitative evaluation of post-liquefaction settlements is of extreme importance for engineering purposes, i.e. for earthquake-resistant design of new buildings […]

GPR and high resolution seismic integrated methods to understand the liquefaction phenomena in the Mirabello Village (earthquake ML 5.9, 2012)
Strong-motion observations from the OGS temporary seismic network during the 2012 Emilia sequence in northern Italy
Global Navigation Satellite Systems Seismology for the 2012 Mw 6.1 Emilia Earthquake: Exploiting the VADASE Algorithm

Abstract: "Online Material: Tables of statistical indexes; figures comparing displacement solutions. The Global Positioning System (GPS) has been repeatedly proven to be a powerful tool to estimate coseismic displacements and waveforms, with accuracies ranging from few millimeters to few centimeters. These promising results were achieved following two main strategies: differential positioning (DP) and precise point […]

Aerial inventory of surficial geological effects induced by the recent Emilia earthquake (Italy): preliminary report

Abstract: "As a consequence of the two main shocks that recently struck the central alluvial Po Plain (May 20, 2012, Ml 5.9, and May 29, 2012, Ml 5.8), a great number of surficial geologic disturbances appeared over a wide area (ca. 500 km2), which extended up to 20 km from the epicenters. The affected area […]

Searching for the effects of the May-June 2012 Emilia seismic sequence (northern Italy): medium-depth deformation structures at the periphery of the epicentral area

Abstract: "In 2012, a seismic sequence occurred in the lowlands of the Emilia-Romagna Region (northern Italy), between the borders of the Modena, Ferrara and Bologna Provinces. It consisted of seven mainshocks (5.9 > Ml > 5) that were recorded between May 20 and 29, 2012 [INGV 2012a] and 2,200 minor earthquakes [INGV 2012b]. An interferometric […]

The Emilia Romagna, May 2012 earthquake sequence. The influence of the vertical earthquake component and related geoscientific and engineering aspects

Abstract: "The 20-29 May 2012 earthquake events occurred along Emilia Romagna segment of Po Plain valley (Pianura Padana), a NW - SE oriented basin along the Southern tectonic boundary of Adria plate, with Northern Apennines. Major earthquake sequence events’ focal mechanisms, evince the activation of low angle thrust structures, separating the earthquake activity on at […]

La ricostruzione dell’Abitare in Emilia. Fattori di variazione della resilienza di un sistema complesso.

Abstract: "Il presente lavoro analizza il processo di ricostruzione successivo al sisma in Emilia (2012), con un particolare riferimento alla qualità dell’abitare nei centri storici più danneggiati. L’abitare, infatti, può essere considerato un bene comune (common), ovvero un processo sociale che garantisce la sostenibilità dell’uso (e della rigenerazione) degli spazi pubblici e del patrimonio edilizio […]

Catastrofi naturali e dynamic capabilities nel retail: prime evidenze e riflessioni sull’impatto del sisma 2012 in Emilia.

Abstract: "Il presente contributo descrive i primi risultati emersi da un’indagine esplorativa volta ad esaminare l’impatto che il terremoto del 2012 ha prodotto sulle attività commerciali al dettaglio della bassa emiliana. L’obiettivo specifico è quello di analizzare la capacità di risposta di tali tipologie di imprese all’evento critico adottando la prospettiva teorica delle capacità dinamiche. […]

Le specificità del sistema agro-alimentare nella ricostruzione post-sisma.

Abstract: "Anche il cosiddetto ‘cratere agricolo’ ha pagato un prezzo molto elevato a seguito degli eventi sismici del maggio 2012 in Emilia. Tutte le principali produzioni agro-industriali del territorio hanno subito gravi danni: si pensi ai caseifici e magazzini di stagionatura per la produzione di Parmigiano Reggiano, alle cantine e acetaie, alle celle frigorifere per […]

Source modelling of theM5–6 Emilia-Romagna, Italy, earthquakes (2012 May 20–29)

Abstract: "On 2012 May 20 and 29, two damaging earthquakes with magnitudes Mw 6.1 and 5.9, respectively, struck the Emilia-Romagna region in the sedimentary Po Plain, Northern Italy, causing 26 fatalities, significant damage to historical buildings and substantial impact to the economy of the region. The earthquake sequence included four more aftershocks with Mw ≥ 5.0, […]

Analisi lessico testuale delle ordinanze del Commissario delegato alla ricostruzione: un contributo alla legge nazionale su emergenza e ricostruzione

Abstract: "Il Commissario delegato all’emergenza e alla ricostruzione dopo il sisma in EmiliaRomagna del 20 e 29 maggio 2012, ha gestito gli interventi a favore delle popolazioni colpite attraverso l’emanazione di ordinanze commissariali. In particolare dal 8 giugno 2012 al 23 febbraio 2015, sono state emanate 349 ordinanze. Si è trattato di una produzione normativa, […]

Analisi cluster delle caratteristiche socio-economiche dei Comuni dell’Emilia-Romagna: un confronto tra Comuni dentro e fuori dal cratere del sisma.

Abstract: "L’analisi delle caratteristiche socio-economiche del territorio colpito dagli eventi sismici del maggio 2012 in Emilia-Romagna rappresenta un elemento conoscitivo, preliminare ancorché centrale, di una più ampia proposta interpretativa degli effetti del sisma nel breve e medio periodo. Tale lavoro si inserisce nel framework teorico della valutazione controfattuale degli impatti di eventi catastrofici e delle relative […]

L’informatizzazione delle procedure per la ricostruzione: prime evidenze dai contributi concessi per le abitazioni.

Abstract: "Il sisma del 2012 rappresenta il primo caso, in Italia, nel quale la gestione delle pratiche per la richiesta di contributo per la riparazione di abitazioni a seguito di un disastro naturale è stata interamente informatizzata. Il presente contributo analizza la genesi dell’infrastruttura Mude (Modello unico digitale per l’edilizia), utilizzata a tale scopo. Benché […]

Multiple X-ray approaches to discriminate the origin of liquefied sand erupted during the 2012 Emilia Romagna earthquake

Abstract: "Geochemical, mineralogical and sedimentological analyses were carried out on sands erupted from sand volcanoes and soil cracks during the 2012 Emilia earthquakes with the aim of determining their origin and depth of provenance in a complex stratigraphic plain generated by different fluvial contributions. Geochemical, mineralogical and sedimentological analyses were performed by wavelength dispersive X‐ray […]

Neural correlates of automatic perceptual sensitivity to facial affect in posttraumatic stress disorder subjects who survived L'Aquila eartquake of April 6, 2009

Abstract: "The "Emotional Numbing" (EN) constitutes one of the core symptoms in PTSD although its exact nature remains elusive. This disorder shows an abnormal response of cortical and limbic regions which are normally involved in understanding emotions since the very earliest stages of the development of processing ability. The aim of our study, which included […]

Neural activity related to emotional and empathic deficits in subjects with post-traumatic stress disorder who survived the L'Aquila (Central Italy) 2009 earthquake
Regional cerebral changes and functional connectivity during the observation of negative emotional stimuli in subjects with post-traumatic stress disorder

Abstract: "Patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) exhibit exaggerated brain responses to emotionally negative stimuli. Identifying the neural correlates of emotion regulation in these subjects is important for elucidating the neural circuitry involved in emotional dysfunction. The aim of this study was to investigate the functional connectivity between the areas activated during emotional processing of […]

Neural activity related to cognitive and emotional empathy in post-traumatic stress disorder.

Abstract: "The aim of this study is to evaluate the empathic ability and its functional brain correlates in post-traumatic stress disorder subjects (PTSD). Seven PTSD subjects and ten healthy controls, all present in the L’Aquila area during the earthquake of the April 2009, underwent fMRI during which they performed a modified version of the Multifaceted […]

Ricucire i ricordi. La memoria, i suoi disturbi, le sue evidenze di efficacia dei trattamenti riabilitativi
Persistent fear of aftershocks, impairment of working memory, and acute stress disorder predict post-traumatic stress disorder: 6-month follow-up of help seekers following the L'Aquila earthquake

Abstract: "The aim of our 6-month follow-up study was to assess predictors of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among individuals seeking treatment at the General Hospital Psychiatric Unit within the first month following the L’Aquila earthquake. Clinical, trauma-related and neurocognitive variables were considered. At the 6-month follow-up, 91 (74.5%) out of 122 subjects were re-assessed and […]

Early Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) intervention in a disaster mental health care contextEarly Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) intervention in a disaster mental health care context

Abstract: ’"Early psychological intervention’ is defined as commencing treatment within three months of the traumatic event, with the aim to prevent or treat posttraumatic stress disorder, ongoing distress or acute stress disorder. In natural disaster situations, specific issues may limit the amount of time available for treatment and the possibility of interventions. Eye Movement Desensitisation […]

Clinical correlates of plasma brain-derived neurotrophic factor in post-traumatic stress disorder spectrum after a natural disaster

Abstract: "Clinical correlates of plasma Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) have been investigated in a clinical population with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms and healthy control subjects who survived to the L’Aquila 2009 earthquake. Twenty-six outpatients and 14 control subjects were recruited. Assessments included: Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis-I disorders Patient Version, Trauma and […]

A specific deficit in spatial memory acquisition in post-traumatic stress disorder and the role of sleep in its consolidation

Abstract: "Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is characterized by the presence of anatomo-functional hippocampal alterations. To date, the ability to orient within the environment, which relies on hippocampal integrity, has never been investigated in PTSD. We hypothesized that the ability to form a cognitive map of the environment would be impaired in PTSD. Moreover, spatial memory […]

Validation of the Italian version of the Screening Questionnaire for Disaster Mental Health (SQD) in a post-earthquake urban environment

Abstract: "INTRODUCTION. Aim of this study was to implement and validate the Italian version of the Screening Questionnaire for Disaster Mental Health (SQD), a tool for the screening of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression in the long-term aftermaths of a natural disaster. METHODS. A convenience sample of 116 subjects living in L’Aquila after the […]

A longitudinal study of quality of life of earthquake survivors in L'Aquila, Italy

Abstract: "Background:People’s well-being after loss resulting from an earthquake is a concern in countries prone to natural disasters. Most studies on post-earthquake subjective quality of life (QOL) have focused on the effects of psychological impairment and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) on the psychological dimension of QOL. However, there is a need for studies focusing on […]

Electrical resistivity tomography investigation of coseismic liquefaction and fracturing at San Carlo, Ferrara Province, Italy

Abstract: "Massive surface fracturing and sand ejection took place during the main shock of the May 20, 2012, earthquake (ML = 5.9) in the Emilia-Romagna region, northern Italy. These phenomena were induced by the liquefaction of water-saturated sand layers, and they damaged several buildings, as well as many roads and sidewalks. They were clustered between […]

Paleoliquefazioni nell'area epicentrale del terremoto emiliano del 2012
La sequenza sismica emiliana di maggio-giugno 2012 - Analisi preliminare della risposta di sito nelle stazioni della rete temporanea dell'Ogs
Controllo dellàarchitettura stratigrafica olocenica e ellàassetto geomorfologico sugli effetti locali delle scosse del 2012 del ferrarese occidentale
Time-shear-Wave Velocity Profiles Across the Ferrara Arc: A Contribution for Assessing the Recent Activity of Blind Tectonic Structures
From the Seismic Microzonation to the Reconstruction Project: the Case of Sant’Agostino Municipality, Italy
High-precision levelling, DInSAR and geomorphological effects in the Emilia 2012 epicentral area
Mappatura dell'anticlinale di Mirandola, Italia, Mediante Misure HVSR
New DSM-5 maladaptive symptoms in PTSD: gender differences and correlations with mood spectrum symptoms in a sample of high school students following survival of an earthquake
Post-traumatic stress disorder, coping strategies and type 2 diabetes: psychometric assessment after L'Aquila earthquake.

Abstract: "AIM: After natural and collective catastrophes, many behavioral phenomena can occur through psychobiological responses that involve also the diabetic condition.The aim of this study was to investigate post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and coping strategies in type 2 diabetic patients after L’Aquila earthquake, with a particular attention to the newly diagnosed patients and to the […]

Post traumatic stress disorder and coping in a sample of adult survivors of the Italian earthquake.

Abstract: "The aim was to investigate the prevalence of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in people who had left their damaged homes and were still living in temporary housing more than a year after the April 2009 L’Aquila (Italy) earthquake. In addition, we evaluated the differences in coping strategies implemented by persons who had and […]

The incidence of post-traumatic stress disorder among survivors after earthquakes: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Abstract: "BACKGROUND: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a common psychological disorder caused by unusual threats or catastrophic events. Little is known about the combined incidence of PTSD after earthquakes. This study aimed at evaluating the combined incidence of PTSD among survivors after earthquakes using systematic review and meta-analysis. METHODS: The electronic databases of PubMed, Embase, […]

Terremoto in Emilia e anziani: la «vulnerabilità differenziale» degli anziani fragili e l'esperienza di Cavezzo (Mo)
Age, gender and epicenter proximity effects on post-traumatic stress symptoms in L'Aquila 2009 earthquake survivors

Abstract: "BACKGROUND: Earthquakes are among the most frequently occurring natural disasters affecting the general population and inducing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Thus, increasing effort has been devoted to explore risk factors for PTSD onset after exposure. The aim of the present study was to investigate the impact of gender, degree of exposure and age on […]

Lifetime mania is related to post-traumatic stress symptoms in high school students exposed to the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake
Difficulty describing feelings and post-traumatic symptoms after a collective trauma in survivors of L'Aquila earthquake

Abstract: "BACKGROUND: The association between alexithymia and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms has been demonstrated in several studies, but never in victims of a collective trauma such as a natural disaster, which has an impact on an entire community. AIMS: The aim was to assess the relationship between alexithymia and post-traumatic symptoms in a group […]

Terremoti e storia trenta anni dopo

Abstract: "This note gives a brief résumé of research into historical earthquakes in Italy, conducted entirely outside the university setting and beginning in the early 1980s. The research went through various phases with different objectives before focusing in the early 1990s on the "Catalogue of Strong Earthquakes in Italy" from the ancient world until the […]

Che cos'è il Catalogo dei Forti Terremoti in Italia

Abstract: "This paper summarizes the scientific and institutional history that made it possible to draw up the Catalogue of Major Earthquakes in Italy (CFTI) covering from the ancient world to the twentieth century. Included in the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) databank, this parametric and descriptive Catalogue began in the early 1980s and […]

Terremoti e città in una prospettiva di lungo periodo

Abstract: "There is a widespread belief that earthquakes rarely strike cities, with the occasional exception, like L’Aquila in 2009, or Messina/Reggio Calabria in 1908. The actual dimension of the problem transpires from a detailed analysis of sites that have suffered major destruction and have hence been heavily restored. Over 4,800 Italian inhabited centres have a […]

Postatraumaticstress disorder: a serious post-earthquake complication

Abstract: "Objectives: Earthquakes are unpredictable and devastating natural disasters. They can cause massive destruction and loss of life and survivors may suffer psychological symptoms of severe intensity. Our goal in this article is to review studies published in the last 20 years to compile what is known about posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) occurring after earthquakes. […]

Sleep disturbances and spatial memory deficits in post-traumatic stress disorder: the case of L'Aquila (Central Italy)

Abstract: "Altered sleep is a common and central symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In fact, sleep disturbances are included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) diagnostic criteria for PTSD. However, it has been hypothesized that sleep disturbances are crucially involved in the aetiology of PTSD, rather than being […]

Bambini e trauma: esperienze di rivitalizzazione della comunità dopo i terremoti in Italia (Children and trauma: community revitalization programs after earthquakes in Italy)
Conseguenze psicologiche del terremoto in Emilia Romagna in un gruppo di utenti alcol-tossicodipendenti

Abstract: "L’obiettivo di questo studio è di verificare i livelli di distress e la presenza di un Disturbo Post-Traumatico da Stress (DPTS) in soggetti alcol-tossicodipendenti seguiti presso il Ser.T. di Cento (FE) a seguito del terremoto avvenuto in zona nel 2012. Metodi: Sono stati contattati 27 utenti seguiti dal Ser.T. per la somministrazione di una […]

Il terremoto come catastrofe naturale: trauma e conseguenze psichiche.

Abstract:  "L’obiettivo di questo studio è di verificare i livelli di distress e la presenza di un Disturbo Post-Traumatico da Stress (DPTS) in soggetti alcol-tossicodipendenti seguiti presso il Ser.T. di Cento (FE) a seguito del terremoto avvenuto in zona nel 2012. Metodi: Sono stati contattati 27 utenti seguiti dal Ser.T. per la somministrazione di una […]

Psychopathological chronic sequelae of the 2009 earthquake in l’Aquila, Italy

Abstract: "Background To date, there are no data available among the general adult population on the long-term psychological sequelae of the earthquake that occurred in the town of L’Aquila, Italy in 2009. We investigated the prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and major depression (MD) and identified risk factors for these disorders among adult survivors […]

Towards a psychopathology specific to Substance Use Disorder: Should emotional responses to life events be included?

Abstract: "INTRODUCTION: The severity of emotional responses to life events (PTSD spectrum) as part of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Substance Use Disorder (SUD) patients has often been considered from a unitary perspective. Light has also been shed on the possible definition of a specific psychopathology of SUD patients. This psychopathology has been proved […]

Facebook, quality of life, and mental health outcomes in post-disaster urban environments: the l'aquila earthquake experience

bstract: "BACKGROUND: An understudied area of interest in post-disaster public health is individuals’ use of social networks as a potential determinant of quality of life (QOL) and mental health outcomes. A population-based cross-sectional study was carried out to examine whether continual use of online social networking (Facebook) in an adult population following a massive earthquake […]

The Effectiveness of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Integrative Group Protocol with Adolescent Survivors of the Central Italy Earthquake

Abstract: "Earthquakes, which can cause widespread territorial and socio-economic destruction, are life-threatening, unexpected, unpredictable, and uncontrollable events caused by the shaking of the surface of the earth. The psychological consequences, such as PTSD, anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation, are well-known to clinicians and researchers. This study was conducted with the aim of evaluating the use […]

Banca d'Italia, L'economia dell'Emilia-Romagna
Sisma e ricostruzione: per un nuovo protagonismo del lavoro
Rapporto 2013 sull'economia regionale
Terremoti, territori e dinamiche socio-economiche nell’Italia contemporanea
Un progetto di ricerca su aree interne e ricostruzione post-terremoto
EQECAT raises loss estimates for Italian quakes up to €700m
Natural Disasters and Growth: Going Beyond the Averages

Abstract: "Despite the tremendous human suffering caused by natural disasters, their effects on economic growth remain unclear, with some studies reporting negative, and others indicating no or even positive effects. To reconcile these seemingly contradictory findings reported in the literature, this study explores the effects of natural disasters on growth separately by disaster and economic […]

Disaster Risk Assessment and Risk Financing, A G20 / OECD METHODOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK,
Natural disasters, growth and institutions: A tale of two earthquakes.

Abstract: "The paper starts a critical reflection on the effects of disasters on urban change. It is a compendium of the discussions, meetings and fieldworks of the research team Energie Sisma Emilia at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy. The fieldwork included a one-day walking-and-photographs (April 2015) in the town centre of Mirandola. […]

Earthquake in the city: The people yet to come.

Abstract: "The paper starts a critical reflection on the effects of disasters on urban change. It is a compendium of the discussions, meetings and fieldworks of the research team Energie Sisma Emilia at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy. The fieldwork included a one-day walking-and-photographs (April 2015) in the town centre of Mirandola. […]

Earthquake damages to cultural heritage constructions and simplified assessment of artworks

Abstract: "Recent high-intensity earthquakes, such as those occurred in L’Aquila (2009), Christchurch (2010–2011) and Emilia Romagna (2012), have caused not only a significant death toll and huge economic losses, but also heavy damage to the worldwide cultural heritage. In this paper, earthquake damage to monumental constructions is discussed and the following critical issues affecting the […]

Lesson learned after the Emilia-Romagna, Italy, 20–29 May 2012 earthquakes: A limit analysis insight on three masonry churches

Abstract: "Three masonry churches collapsed or severely injured during the 20–29 May 2012 earthquakes occurred in Emilia-Romagna, Italy are analyzed in detail from a numerical standpoint. A recently presented standalone 3D limit analysis code is utilized to evaluate failure mechanisms and horizontal acceleration causing the collapse. A comparison with the recent Italian Guidelines devoted to […]

Moderate depression promotes Posttraumatic Growth (Ptg): A young population survey 2 years after the 2009 l’Aquila earthquake

Abstract: "Background: Earthquakes can result in a range of psychopathology and in negative and positive consequences for survivors. Objective: To examine the association between clinical aftereffects (anxiety and depressive symptoms) and post-traumatic growth (PTG) among young survivors of the 2009 L’Aquila earthquake, Italy. Method: 316 young earthquake survivors enrolled in the University of L’Aquila were […]

PTSD growth and substance abuse among a college student community: coping strategies after 2009 l’Aquila Earthquake

Abstract: "Aim of the study was the assessment of coping strategies, specifically substance use and post-traumatic growth (PTG), in 411 college students two years after 2009 L’Aquila earthquake. Post-Traumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI) was used to assess PTG and one question about substance use (alcohol, tobacco, cannabis) was asked to verify if students had modified their […]

Cognitive behavioral therapy for young people after l'aquila earthquake

Abstract: "Objective: Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) emerges as the best validated therapeutic approach for children and adolescents who experienced trauma-related symptoms, particularly associated with anxiety or mood disorders. The aim of this study was to evaluate the CBT efficacy among young people exposed to L’Aquila earthquake, in 2009. Methods: one year after the disaster, 39 […]

La percezione dello stress e le difese dei bambini prima e dopo il terremoto
Post-traumatic stress disorder in DSM-5: estimates of prevalence and criteria comparison versus DSM-IV-TR in a non-clinical sample of earthquake survivors

Abstract: "BACKGROUND: The latest edition of DSM (DSM-5) introduced important revisions to PTSD symptomatological criteria, such as a four-factor model and the inclusion of new symptoms. To date, only a few studies have investigated the impact that the proposed DSM-5 criteria will have on prevalence rates of PTSD. METHODS: An overall sample of 512 adolescents […]

New DSM-5 PTSD guilt and shame symptoms among Italian earthquake survivors: Impact on maladaptive behaviors

Abstract: "Important changes were introduced concerning posttraumatic-stress disorder (PTSD) by the DSM-5 recognizing the role of negative emotions such as guilt and shame, but little evidence is yet available on their prevalence in population assessed by means of DSM-5 criteria. In this study we explored the rates of guilt and shame DSM-5 PTSD diagnostic symptoms […]

Impact of DSM-5 PTSD and gender on impaired eating behaviors in 512 Italian earthquake survivors

Abstract: "Considerable comorbidity rates between Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and eating disorders have been recently reported, as well as increased obesity and underweight conditions. The aim of the present study was to investigate the possible associations between DSM-5 PTSD, gender and impaired eating habits in a sample of 512 Italian earthquake survivors evaluated by the […]

Impact of Mood Spectrum Spirituality and Mysticism Symptoms on Suicidality in Earthquake Survivors with PTSD

Abstract: "The aim of the present study was to explore the correlations between Spirituality/Mysticism/Psychoticism symptoms and suicidality in young adult survivors of the L’Aquila earthquake. The sample included 475 subjects recruited among high school seniors who had experienced the April 6, 2009, earthquake. Assessments included: Trauma and Loss Spectrum-Self Report and Mood Spectrum-Self Report (MOODS-SR). […]

Preventing the detrimental effect of posttraumatic stress in young children: The role of theory of mind in the aftermath of a natural disaster.
Negative intergroup contact and support for social policies toward the minority outgroup in the aftermath of a natural disaster.
In the aftermath of natural disasters: Fostering helping toward outgroup victims.
Feeling like a group after a natural disaster: Common ingroup identity and relations with outgroup victims among majority and minority young children.
Sharing distress increases helping and contact intentions via one-group representation and inclusion of the other in the self: Children’s prosocial behaviour after an earthquake.

Abstract: "We surveyed young children (N = 517) affected by two major earthquakes to shed light on the role of identity processes in relation to the common observation that disasters can bring survivors closer together and enhance helping amongst them. As expected, posttraumatic stress symptoms caused by the earthquake were positively associated with intentions to […]

Outgroup threats and distress as antecedents of common ingroup identity among majority and minority group members in the aftermath of a natural disaster.

Abstract: "The aim of the present study was to examine the role of out-group threats in fostering one-group perceptions directly and indirectly via post-traumatic stress symptoms in the aftermath of a natural disaster.We also tested whether these relationships differ depending on the ethnic group of belonging (majority vs. minority). Participants were 589 Italians and 122 […]

A multi-objective robust optimization model for logistics planning in the earthquake response phase

Abstract: "Usually, resources are short in supply when earthquakes occur. In such emergency situations, disaster relief organizations must use these scarce resources efficiently to achieve the best possible emergency relief. This paper therefore proposes a multi-objective, multi-mode, multi-commodity, and multi-period stochastic model to manage the logistics of both commodities and injured people in the earthquake […]

Social innovation and natural disasters: the “Casa Italia“ Plan

Abstract: "This article critically reads the Plan "Casa Italia" in light of a Social Innovation approach combined with a socio-economic pespective, underlying the main challenges the Plan faces to be effectively implemented. It also discuss some policy implications. the Plan could serve as an efficient tool for social innovation only when it integrates a socio-economic […]

Terremoto Emilia e bassa Lombardia 2012, un rendiconto delle somme impiegate: la solidarietà delle BCC: valore per il territorio
Emergenza terremoto in Emilia: il credito cooperativo è vicino
Catastrofi naturali e impatto finanziario

Abstract: "Among different approaches to quantify economic losses caused by a natural disaster, the event study analysis allows a quick investigation of the impact of an external event on stock returns of listed securities. In this article, we analyse two recent catastrophic events, namely the volcanic ash cloud that resulted in strong negative effects on […]

The Conjoint Community Resiliency Assessment Measure as a Baseline for Profiling and Predicting Community Resilience for Emergencies

Abstract: "Community resilience is a term that describes the community’s ability to function amidst crises or disruptions. Community resilience is perceived as a fundamental element in emergency preparedness and as a mean of ensuring social stability in the face of crises, including disasters. However, there is a paucity of empiric evidence for this conjecture. This […]

The Political Economy of Natural Disaster Damage

Abstract: Economic damage from natural hazards can sometimes be prevented and always mitigated. However, private individuals tend to underinvest in such measures due to problems of collective action, information asymmetry and myopic behavior. Governments, which can in principle correct these market failures, themselves face incentives to underinvest in costly disaster prevention policies and damage mitigation […]

Active Compressional Tectonics, Quaternary Capable Faults, and the Seismic Landscape of the Po Plain (Northern Italy)

Abstract: "It is commonly believed that the Po Plain is an area of low seismic hazard. This conclusion is essentially a combination of two factors: (1) the historical record of earthquakes, which shows a relatively small number of events of moderate magnitude, and only two significant earthquakes, which occurred in the Middle Ages; and (2) […]

Una stima degli effetti economici di breve periodo del terremoto in Emilia-Romagna

Abstract: "Between May and June 2012 a series of earthquakes occurred in the Po Valley in Emilia, causing deaths and widespread damages to buildings and manufacturing plants. The negative economic consequences include, beyond direct damages, also indirect costs (e.g. economic loss through production chains with the damaged firms). This paper estimates the overall short-term impact […]

Natural disasters, growth and institutions: a tale of two earthquakes
A longitudinal study of evolving networks in response to natural disaster

Abstract: "In this study, we present a longitudinal analysis of the evolution of interorganizational disaster coordination networks (IoDCNs) in response to natural disasters. There are very few systematic empirical studies which try to quantify the optimal functioning of emerging networks dealing with natural disasters. We suggest that social network analysis is a useful method for […]

Innovation and Development after the Earthquake in Emilia

Abstract: "The 2012 earthquake in Emilia-Romagna (Italy) has shaken up the collective understanding on the socioeconomic importance of a vast territory that generates almost 2% of Italian GDP. The area affected by the earthquake is characterized by the presence of important industrial and agricultural districts, and by good practices of local governance that are internationally […]

Disastri naturali: una comunicazione responsabile?
Italy quake to impact food, auto industries

Abstract: "The article reports the likelihood of the earthquake that hit the Emilia-Romagna region of northern Italy to affect the food and automobile industries. The earthquake damage on the region considered one of the most developed in Europe is presented to include collapses of mechanical assembly plants, biomedical facility and cheese warehouses. Insured losses from […]

La chiesa di San Possidonio nella bassa modenese: la storia dei restauri e i danni provocati dal sisma del 2012, in Reuso. La cultura del restauro e della valorizzazione. Temi e problemi per un percorso internazionale di conoscenza
à l'ora della prevenzione
Evoluzione della normativa sismica
Seismic risk mitigation of building structures: The role of risk aversion

Abstract: "Risk mitigation decisions for civil infrastructure exposed to rare natural and manmade hazards are often impacted by risk aversion, a behavioral phenomenon in which the decision maker’s perception and judgment of risk are systematically distorted, resulting in decisions that might be viewed as excessively conservative when compared to those from a traditional minimum expected […]

Earthquake responses of clusters of building structures caused by a near-field thrust faulti

Abstract: "A numerical simulation method with structures, earth medium and finite-fault sources being considered together is presented for studying responses of building structures to the near-fault earthquake. The multi-degree-of-freedom models are adopted for the structures and the finite-fault model is applied for the causative fault. Investigated lumps of different type are considered to establish the […]

Non-smooth Dynamic Analysis of Local Seismic Damage Mechanisms of the San Felice Fortress in Northern Italy

Abstract: "The May 2012 seismic swarm, with epicenter in the Modena plane, in Northern Italy, had severe consequences on the historical buildings of the area. In particular, the fortified structures suffered specific, recurring damage and collapse mechanisms. The present paper deals with the case of the San Felice sul Panaro Fortress, which saw the collapse […]

The Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Facts and implications for flood risk management

Abstract: "The Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and Tsunami of March 11, 2011 can be characterized as a catastrophe. It inundated over 560 km2 of land, devastating a large number of coastal communities, causing over 19,000 casualties and huge economic damage in the Tohoku region. Due to the relatively high frequency of tsunamis, the region was […]

A grade-3 method of zonation for seismic slope stability: An Italian case study

Abstract: "This paper presents a seismic microzonation study performed in an area of the Northern Apennines (Italy) in order to reduce the level of risk from landslide hazard, to support decisions in urban planning and to provide useful information for building design. The area in question measures about 2.6 km2 and is characterised by considerable landslide […]

Assessment of stone columns as a mitigation technique of liquefaction-induced effects during italian earthquakes (may 2012).
Gli effetti sugli edifici ospedalieri – volume: sisma Emilia 2012
A bi-objective heuristic for supporting fire stations to respond quickly and efficiently in case of micro calamities.

Abstract: "Among the wide set of requests of interventions sent to a fire station, the so called ‘micro calamities’ may play a significant role. They are characterized by simultaneous requests of low severity mark from a spread area. These events are completely comparable to those referring to the post-crisis humanitarian logistics. A pure cost-based approach […]

What can we do about earthquakes? Towards a systematic approach to seismic risk mitigation

Abstract: "This paper discusses the possible means of achieving risk reduction and resilience against earthquake disasters. It begins with an enquiry into the evolving nature of the resilience concept, which has at its root the concepts of participatory governance and livelihood protection. It then discusses the potential for saving human lives by greater utilisation of […]

A Study on Emergency Supply Chain and Risk Based on Urgent Relief Service in Disasters

Abstract: "In order to make the affected areas receive urgent relief service timely and accurately after the disasters, the effective operation of emergency logistics and quick response to the urgent demands in the affected areas is very critical. In this paper, firstly, the emergency supply chain management in disasters is presented, and the risk of […]

The 29th May 2012 Emilia Romagna Earthquake

Abstract: "The 5.9Mw earthquake,which hit theEmilia-Romagna region of Italy on 20th May 2012(see Rossetto et al, 2012) was followed on the 29th May 2012 by a 5.8Mw earthquake with epicentre 15km North West of the former event. This earthquake caused further damage to locations hit by the 20th May earthquake,and extended the affected area to […]

Pedagogia e disastri naturali. Un progetto su scuola e educazione nell’Emilia del terremoto.

Abstract: "Il terremoto dell’Emilia Romagna riporta all’attenzione dei pedagogisti e della società civile il problema della conoscenza di quanto i disastri naturali entrino con forza nella vita dei bambini fino a destabilizzarne il ritmo esistenziale. Il tema è affrontato sistematicamente nella letteratura internazionale, in modo particolare nell’Asia Orientale. In Giappone, dopo il grande terremoto dell’11 […]

Prevenzione e gestione dei disastri naturali (e ambientali): sistemi di welfare, tutele del lavoro, relazioni industriali
Building Back Better: idee e percorsi per la costruzione di comunità resilienti

Abstract: "I terremoti che hanno colpito L’Aquila nel 2009, l’Emilia nel 2012 e un’area vastissima in quattro regioni del Centro Italia nel 2016 hanno prodotto effetti gravissimi: la morte di 634 persone, migliaia di feriti e di famiglie sfollate, danni al patrimonio materiale, culturale e relazionale. Tragedie che, ancora una volta, hanno messo a nudo […]

Response by twin Italian hub hospitals in a double seismic event – A retrospective observational investigation. Prehospital Emergency Care 1-8.

Abstract: "Introduction: The objectives of this study were to compare prevalence rates of different pathologies, ambulance system and emergency department management times, and patient survival and hazard ratios for codes 2 and 3 in two hub hospitals in Modena in the 36-month period across the stages of two major earthquakes in short sequence in Northern […]

Inside the earthquake: Perceived disaster exposure and outgroup helping intentions among Italian and immigrant victims of the 2012 Italian earthquakes.

Abstract: "The aim of the present research was to investigate the psychological processes driving outgroup helping intentions among ethnic groups actually involved in natural disasters. We proposed that disaster exposure would be associated with different degrees of outgroup helping intentions depending on victim’s ethnic group of belonging. Specifically, based on an integration between the common […]

Cognitive performance in the aftermath of a natural disaster: The role of coping strategies, theory of mind and peer social support.
Geological and Geophysical Approaches for the Definition of the Areas Prone to Liquefaction and for the Identification and Characterization of Paleoliquefaction phenomena, the Case of the 2012 Emilia Epicentral Area, Italy

Abstract: "In May–June 2012, a seismic sequence struck a broad area of the Emilia-Romagna region in Northern Italy. The sequence included two mainshocks (on 20th May a ML 5.9 and on 29th May a ML 5.8). The whole aftershocks area extended in an E–W direction for more than 50 km, and included five ML ≥5.0 and […]

Liquefaction phenomena associated with the Emilia earthquake sequence of May-June 2012 (Northern Italy).

Abstract: " In this paper we present the geological effects induced by the 2012 Emilia seismic sequence in the Po Plain. Extensive liquefaction phenomena were observed over an area of ∼1200km2 following the 20 May, ML 5.9 and 29 May, ML 5.8 mainshocks; both occurred on about E– W trending, S dipping blind thrust faults. We […]

The liquefaction features in the area of the May – June 2012 Emilia seismic sequence: an investigation approach coupling Electric Resistivity Tomography (ERT) with coring.

Abstract: "In order to geometrically characterize the liquefaction features observed in the epicentral sector of the 2012 Emilia seismic sequence and to evaluate the potential for recording palaeoseismic features of the area, we performed two electric resistivity tomographic sections and 4 shallow corings, coupled with 14C datings and archaeological age estimates in selected sites. Preliminary […]

Riflessioni sul terremoto dell’Emilia: scuole, istituzioni e comunità
Sedimentology and composition of sands injected during the seismic crisis of May 2012 (Emilia, Italy): clues for source layer identification and liquefaction regime
Sedimentology and composition of sands injected during the seismic crisis of May 2012 (Emilia, Italy): clues for source layer identification and liquefaction regime
Earthquake environmental effects induced by the 2012 seismic sequence in Emilia: implications for seismic hazard assessment in Northern Italy.
Geotechnical aspects of the May 20, 2012
Inventory of coseismic effects in seismic hazard assessment and communication: the case study of 2012 Emilia Earthquakes.

Abstract: "In the past three years a wide literature related to the 2012 Emilia seismic sequence and its induced environmental effects has been produced. Despite the important and numerous seismic datasets and coseismic effects catalogues built up until present, one uniformed catalogue is still missing. This lack has oriented our work towards the implementation of […]

Macroseismic investigation of the 2012 Po Plain sequence using the ESI 2007 scale, and comparison with the MCS scale.
Liquefaction of soil in the Emilia-Romagna region after the 2012 Northern Italy earthquake sequence
A Report on the 2012 Seismic Sequence in Emilia (northern Italy).

Abstract: "Since mid-May 2012, an energetic seismic sequence has affected the northern part of Italy and specifically a wide sector of the Po River Plain. The sequence has been dominated by two main events: a) Mw = 5.9 occurred near Finale Emilia on May 20th at a depth of 6.3 km, and b) Mw=5.8 occurred […]

Carta Sismotettonica della Regione Emilia –Romagna e aree limitrofe, scala 1:250.000.

Abstract: "Dal 2004, anno di pubblicazione della prima carta sismotettonica della Regione Emilia-Romagna, molte cose sono successe e nuove conoscenze sono state acquisite. Le reti sismiche sono state implementate, la Pianura Padana e l’Appennino settentrionale sono stati interessati da varie sequenze sismiche e nuovi studi sono stati effettuati. Ciò ha permesso di acquisire una considerevole […]

Acquisizione di dati geologici nell’Oltrepò Mantovano utili alla valutazione della pericolosità sismica per le aree colpite dalla sequenza del maggio 2012.
Assessment of liquefaction potential for two liquefaction prone areas considering the May 20, 2012 Emilia (Italy) earthquake

Abstract: "On the 20th and 29th of May 2012, two earthquakes occurred in Emilia-Romagna region (Northern Italy) triggering extensive liquefaction of the subsoil units. The consequences of liquefaction have been observed and reported by several agencies in a widespread area. The most impressive liquefaction manifestations were documented in a zone 3–4 km-long and 1 km-wide, where the […]

Geochemical and Geomorphological Analyses on Liquefaction Occured during the 2012 Emilia Seismic Sequence.

Abstract: "On May 20th and 29th, 2012 two earthquakes (ML 5.9 with hypocenter depth at 6.3 km and ML 5.8 with hypocenter depth at 10.2 km, respectively; ISIDe Database 2010) struck the Emilia area. The epicentre was located in the vicinity of Finale Emilia and Medolla (Modena). Co-seismic effects exemplified by liquefactions and surface ruptures occurred in […]

Terremoto 2012 à geologia, rilievi agibilità, analisi dei danni.
La “casa degli Inquilini“ a Sala Bolognese: analisi dello stato di fatto e ipotesi di intervento
Predictive modeling on seismic performances of geosynthetic-reinforced soil walls

Abstract: "This paper presents the results of numerical parametric study of free-standing simple geosynthetic-reinforced soil (GRS) walls under real multidirectional ground motion shaking. The predictions were made using a validated finite element computer program. Design parameters, such as (1) wall height, (2) wall batter angle, (3) soil friction angle, (4) reinforcement spacing, and (5) reinforcement […]

Terremoto in Pianura Padana-Emiliana - ML 5.9 20 Maggio 2012 Ore 04:03
I terremoti del maggio 2012 nel contesto della sismicità dell’area
The May 20 (MW 6.1) and 29 (MW 6.0), 2012, Emilia (Po Plain, northern Italy) earthquakes: New seismotectonic implications from subsurface geology and high-quality hypocenter location.

Abstract: "This study presents new geological and seismological data that are used to assess the seismic hazard of a sector of the Po Plain (northern Italy), a large alluvial basin hit by two strong earthquakes on May 20 (MW 6.1) and May 29 (MW 6.0), 2012. The proposed interpretation is based on high-quality relocation of […]

Terremoto in Emilia
Rumours Related To The 2012 Emilia Seismic Sequence.

Abstract: "In the aftermath of an earthquake, pseudo-scientific, scaremongering rumors spread very quickly and with greater effect than correct scientific information. The aim of this article is to describe the authors’ observations and examine how rumors linked to seismic shocks spread in the community following the strong 2012 seismic sequence in Emilia (northern Italy). During […]

Three-dimensional segmentation and different rupture behavior during the 2012 Emilia seismic sequence (Northern Italy).

Abstract: "Describing the slip behavior of an active fault system is central to understanding the seismic potential of seismogenic areas. Different elements control the nature and the extent of the coseismic and post-seismic ruptures, including the geometry of faults, the nature of faulted rocks, and the stress changes caused by the mainshocks. In May–June 2012 […]

Stratigrafia dell'area interessata dai fenomeni di liquefazione durante il terremoto dellメEmilia (maggio 2012)
High-precision levelling, DInSAR and geomorphological effects in the Emilia 2012 epicentral area.
The cartography in seismic hazard assessment and communication: the case study of the 2012 Po Plain Earthquake (northern Italy).
Coseismic liquefaction phenomena analysis by COSMO-SkyMed: 2012, Emilia (Italy) earthquake

Abstract: "The liquefaction phenomenon that occurred in the coseismic phase of the May 20, 2012 Emilia (Italy) earthquake (ML 5.9) is investigated. It was induced by the water pressure increase in the buried and confined sand layers. The level-ground liquefaction was the result of a chaotic ground oscillation caused by the earthquake shaking and the […]

Liquefaction susceptibility assessment in fluvial plains using airborne lidar: The case of the 2012 Emilia earthquake sequence area (Italy).
La tassazione, i contributi e le agevolazioni per le imprese prima e dopo il sisma in Emilia. Un confronto con l'Aquila.
L'espropriazione per pubblica utilità e l'utilizzo dell'istituto giuridico in Emilia Romagna nella ricostruzione post sisma
Effetti del sisma in Emilia-Romagna: analisi cluster e controfattuale della dinamica sociale e economica nei Comuni del cratere del sisma

Abstract: "Questo elaborato si propone di contribuire alla modellizzazione del monitoraggio degli effetti del sisma del 2012 in Emilia-Romagna. In un’ottica di più ampio respiro, s’intende costruire una proposta di analisi e metodologia sulla quantificazione degli effetti di un sisma nel breve e medio periodo, inseribili nel framework teorico della valutazione controfattuale degli impatti di […]

GPS Observations of Coseismic Deformation Following the May 20 and 29, 2012, Emilia Seismic Events (Northern Italy): Data, Analysis and Preliminary Models

Abstract: "In May-July 2012, a seismic sequence struck a broad area of the Po Plain Region in northern Italy. The sequence included two Ml >5.5 mainshocks. The first one (Ml 5.9) occurred near the city of Finale Emilia (ca. 30 km west of Ferrara) on May 20 at 02:03:53 (UTC), and the second (Ml 5.8) […]

High-Rate (1 Hz to 20 Hz) GPS Coseismic Dynamic Displacements Carried out during the Emilia 2012 Seismic Sequence

Abstract: "In May-July 2012, Emilia Romagna (northern Italy) was struck by a significant seismic sequence, which was characterized by two moderate-magnitude earthquakes: a Ml 5.9 event on May 20, 2012, at 02:03:53 UTC, and a Ml 5.8 event on May 29, 2012, at 07:00:03 UTC, about 12 km to the west of the first mainshock. […]

Ground Effects Induced by the 2012 Seismic Sequence in Emilia: Implications for Seismic Hazard Assessment in the Po Plain

Abstract: "Since May 16, 2012, a seismic sequence has affected a wide portion of the Emilia Region (northern Italy), chiefly for the Modena and Ferrara Provinces. The first mainshock (Ml 5.9; focal depth, ca. 6 km) occurred on May 20, 2012, with the epicenter located a few kilometers north of Finale Emilia. A second main […]

Engineering Seismic Demand in the 2012 Emilia Sequence: Preliminary Analysis and Model Compatibility Assessment

Abstract: "The Emilia 2012 sequence featured seven events of moment magnitude (M) >5, five of which occurred between May 20 and May 29, 2012. These earthquakes were structurally damaging over a wide area. The damage included partial or total collapse of industrial precast reinforced-concrete structures, historical masonry, and mainly nonstructural damage to reinforced-concrete buildings; see […]

Static Stress Transfer from the May 20, 2012, M 6.1 Emilia-Romagna (Northern Italy) Earthquake Using a Co-Seismic Slip Distribution Model

Abstract: "We model the static stress transfer for the May 2012 northern Italy earthquakes, assuming that failure of the crust occurs by shear. This allows the mechanics of the process to be approximated by the Okada (1992) expressions for displacement and strain fields due to a finite rectangular source in an elastic, homogeneous and isotropic […]

The MCS Macroseismic Survey of the Emilia 2012 Earthquakes

Abstract: "Most of the inhabitants of northern Italy were woken up during the night of May 20, 2012, by the Mw 6.1 earthquake [QRCMT 2012] that occurred in the eastern Po Plain. The mainshock was preceded a few hours before by a Mw 4.3 shock, and it was followed by a dozen Ml >4 aftershocks […]

Is Blind Faulting Truly Invisible? Tectonic-Controlled Drainage Evolution in the Epicentral Area of the May 2012, Emilia-Romagna Earthquake Sequence (Northern Italy), in “Annals of Geophysics“, 55, 2012

Abstract: "For decades, alluvial plains have been the areas of the fastest population growth over most of the globe. Modern societies demand growing extensions of flat and easily accessible land to accommodate the swelling urban areas, booming industrial districts, large power plants, and multi-runway airports. But how can we tell if such flat areas hide […]

Riqualificazione post sisma della via principale di Crevalcore in Emilia Romagna. Ipotesi progettuale, anche con isolamento, di una mediateca
Analisi sismiche della chiesa di Brugneto di Reggiolo (Emilia) e ruolo dei presidi provvisori

Abstract: "Il presente lavoro di tesi ha come oggetto la chiesa di Santa Maria Annunciata in Brugneto di Reggiolo (RE) gravemente danneggiata a seguito degli eventi sismici del 2012 che hanno colpito tutta la pianura padana emiliana. Nel capitolo 1 si analizzano gli avvenimenti sismici che hanno scosso la pianura padana emiliana nel Maggio del […]

Valutazione di vulnerabilità sismica di un capannone industriale prefabbricato sito in Ferrara ed eventuale adeguamento

Abstract: "Il terremoto dell’Emilia del 2012 è stato un evento sismico caratterizzato da una serie di scosse localizzate prevalentemente nelle province di Modena, Ferrara, Mantova, Reggio Emilia, Bologna e Rovigo. L’area colpita è conosciuta come una zona altamente industrializzata con la presenza di molti edifici industriali con strutture prefabbricate, i danni provocati dal sisma hanno […]

Gestione dell'emergenza sismica in sistemi a rete

Abstract: "Un evento sismico è un disastro naturale che può causare gravi perdite alla popolazione e ingenti danni al patrimonio costruito di un paese.Viene definita la vulnerabilità totale di un sistema a rete, ed attuata una procedura generale per una visione completa della risposta sismica delle strutture e delle infrastrutture di un sistema, che permetta […]

Valutazione della vulnerabilità sismica di edifici storici: caso studio di Corte Nuova, Palazzo Ducale a Mantova

Abstract: "Studio di vulnerabilità sismica di Corte Nuova, Palazzo Ducale Mantova.Bene tutelato che quindi analisi secondo Direttiva 9/2/2011.Dopo le indagini richieste dalla fase di conoscenza,si è svolta l’analisi LV1 globale(non verificate tutte le configurazioni),si è poi passati alla LV2 tramite verifica di meccanismi di collasso,ribaltamenti e flessioni verticali,con presenza di FC per pesare il livello […]

Studio Integrato Geomorfologico-Geofisico dell'Area Epicentrale del Terremoto del 20 Maggio 2012 (Mw 5.9) in Emilia-Romagna.

Abstract: "La Sequenza Sismica Emiliana del 2012 ha colpito la zona compresa tra Mirandola e Ferrara con notevoli manifestazioni cosismiche e post-sismiche secondarie, soprattutto legate al fenomeno della liquefazione delle sabbie e alla formazione di fratturazioni superficiali del terreno. A fronte del fatto che la deformazione principale, osservata tramite tecniche di remote-sensing, ha permesso di […]

Seismic Hazard in the Po Plain and the 2012 Emilia Earthquakes

Abstract: "The Emilia earthquakes of May 20, 2012 (Ml 5.9, INGV; Mw 6.11, and May 29, 2012 (Ml 5.8, INGV; Mw 5.96, struck an area that in the national reference seismic hazard model [MPS04;, and Stucchi et al. 2011] is characterized by expected horizontal peak ground acceleration (PGA) with a 10% probability […]

The Emilia 2012 Sequence: A Macroseismic Survey

Abstract: "On May 20, 2012, at 4:03 local time (2:03 UTC), a large part of the Po Valley between the cities of Ferrara, Modena and Mantova was struck by a damaging earthquake (Ml 5.9). The epicenter was located by the Istituto Nazionale di Geo-fisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) seismic network [ISIDe 2010] at 44.889 ˚N and […]

Rapporto Tecnico INGV 236 - Emergenza sismica 2012 in Emilia Romagna: attività sperimentali di supporto alla rete sismica mobile INGV svolte dal personale della sede di Ancona

Abstract: "A seguito di eventi sismici significativi, l’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) attiva il coordinamento delle attività di Pronto Intervento Sismico per integrare la Rete Sismica Nazionale [RSN, Delladio, 2011] aumentando il numero delle stazioni sismiche per il rilevamento della sismicità allo scopo di infittire il monitoraggio dell’area epicentrale e migliorare la qualità […]

Linee guida per lo studio dei danni da sisma sul patrimonio edilizio esistente. I casi di San Possidonio e Medolla

Abstract: "These guide-lines provide information about the study of damages by earthquakes on brick-buildings belonging to the territorial context of southern Modena area, in particular that of Medolla’s and San Possidonio’s communes, which were affected by the destructions provoked by the quakes of 20th and 29th of May in 2012. This territorial area directly affected […]

Recupero e conservazione della Chiesa della Beata Vergine della Cintura a San Giovanni in Persiceto

Abstract: "Il presente lavoro di tesi ha come oggetto le attività di cantiere relative alla realizzazione delle opere di restauro e recupero post - sisma della Chiesa della Beata Vergine della Cintura a San Giovanni in Persiceto e le varianti al progetto iniziale seguite all’approfondimento della conoscenza dell’edificio e delle sue parti. Sono in ultimo […]

Analisi di un edificio esistente in muratura nel comune di San Felice sul Panaro: stima del danno e della vulnerabilità
The Emilia (northern Italy) seismic sequence of May-June, 2012: preliminary data and results
Human Activity May Have Triggered Fatal Italian Earthquakes

Abstract: "In an as-yet-unpublished report, an international panel of geoscientists has concluded that a pair of deadly earthquakes that struck the Italian region of Emilia-Romagna in 2012 could have been triggered by the extraction of petroleum at a local oil field. Fear of humanmade seismicity has already sparked fierce opposition against new oil and gas […]

Sisma in Emilia: un evento per a inatteso

Abstract: "L’inadeguatezza di misure preventive contro i terremoti non è dovuta a una scarsa conoscenza della geologia della Pianura Padana: carte alla mano, si può dimostrare non solo che la zonazione del rischio nel nostro paese è aggiornata e accurata, ma che per le zone colpite la magnitudo attesa già nel 2001 era superiore a […]

Il sisma emiliano del maggio 2012 e gli effetti nelle costruzioni venete
Geological Evidence of Pre-2012 Seismic Events, Emilia-Romagna, Italy

Abstract: "In May 2012, two moderate (-to-strong) earthquakes that were associated with a noticeable aftershock sequence affected the eastern sector of the Po Plain, Italy, in correspondence with a buried portion of the Apennines thrust belt. The Provinces of Ferrara, Modena and Bologna (Emilia Romagna Region), Mantua (Lombardy Region), and Rovigo (Veneto Region) were affected […]

Technologies and New Approaches Used by the INGV EMERGEO Working Group for Real-Time Data Sourcing and Processing during the Emilia Romagna (Northern Italy) 2012 Earthquake Sequence

Abstract: "On May 20, 2012, a Ml 5.9 seismic event hit the Emilia Po Plain, triggering intense earthquake activity along a broad area of the Po Plain across the provinces of Modena, Ferrara, Rovigo and Mantova (Figure 1). Nine days later, on May 29, 2012, a Ml 5.8 event occurred roughly 10 km to the […]

Liquefaction Phenomena along the Paleo-Reno River Caused by the May 20, 2012, Emilia (Northern Italy) Earthquake

Abstract: "On the May 20, 2012 (04:03:52 local time; 02:03:52 UTC), a moderate earthquake (Ml 5.9) [Scognamiglio et al. 2012, this volume] with a focal mechanism showing E-W-trending, S-dipping, reverse-faulting occurred in the eastern sector of the alluvial plain of the Po River, close to the border between the Regions of Emilia-Romagna and Lombardia (northern […]

Analysis of the Displacement of Geodetic Stations during the Emilia Seismic Sequence of May 2012

Abstract: "The two events of Mw 6.11 and 5.96 [EMERGEO Working Group 2012, this volume] that took place on May 20 and 29, 2012, respectively, in the Po Plain, and the associated seismic sequence, represent the response of the brittle upper crust (hypocentral depth ca. 10 km) to the compressive stress in the outer Apennine […]

INGV Strong-Motion Data Web-Portal: A Focus on the Emilia Seismic Sequence of May-June 2012

Abstract: "Recently, an INGV working group developed the first version of a web portal with the aim of archiving, processing and distributing accelerometric data recorded by permanent and temporary INGV stations. This web portal ( is composed of two main modules: the former is known as the INGV Strong Motion Data (ISMD, and has […]

Coseismic Deformation Pattern of the Emilia 2012 Seismic Sequence Imaged by Radarsat-1 Interferometry
The May 2012 Emilia (Italy) Earthquakes: Preliminary Interpretations on the Seismogenic Source and the Origin of the Coseismic Ground Effects
The May-June 2012 Ferrara Arc Earthquakes (Northern Italy): Structural Control of the Spatial Evolution of the Seismic Sequence and of the Surface Pattern of Coseismic Fractures

Abstract: "The Ferrara 2012 seismic sequence was characterized by two main compressional events, which occurred on May 20 and 29, 2012, with Mw 6.1 and Mw 6.0, respectively (quick Regional Centroid Moment Tensor [RCMT] at These events were followed by five events with Mw >5.0 (two on May 20 and three on May 29, […]

An integrated study of coseismic surface effects of the 2012 Emilia Earthquake: catalogue, susceptibility, assessment and analysis of seismic risk awareness

Abstract: "Le ripercussioni socio-economiche causate dal sisma Emiliano nel maggio del 2012 sono state amplificate dall’occorrenza degli effetti cosismici di superficie (ECS), che si sono manifestati in seguito alle scosse di maggior intensità. La limitata consapevolezza sismica tra la popolazione emiliana è attribuibile ad una pluralità di cause, che in questo studio hanno portato a […]

Il crisis management nella Pubblica Amministrazione: la gestione dell'emergenza sisma 2012 in Emilia Romagna. Analisi dell'esperienza in tre Comuni colpiti

Abstract: "L’epoca attuale è caratterizzata dall’incertezza, una crisi è sempre possibile, come un evento eccezionale, non prevedibile o non previsto, che produce effetti significativi che possono condizionare l’attività, il successo e persino l’esistenza di una organizzazione. Occorre cautelarsi organizzando procedure da attivare al verificarsi di un evento di tale portata per limitare gli effetti negativi, […]

I sistemi economici e la valutazione del rischio sismico: identificazione dellàunità di analisi e studio dei terremoti riconosciuti in ambito internazionale dal 1968 al 2012
Il ruolo chiave della comunicazione nel crisis management: casi studio a confronto
Raccontare il territorio e altre forme di teatro partecipato
Disturbo post-traumatico da stress (DPTS) e terremoto
Ricostruire la bellezza e l'identità perduta: viaggio nell' Emilia danneggiata dal sisma
Viaggio nell'Italia dalla bellezza sfregiata. Il patrimonio culturale a rischio sismico: eventi, danni, azioni
Viaggio nell'Italia dalla bellezza sfregiata. Il patrimonio culturale a rischio sismico: eventi, danni, azioni
La gestione dell’emergenza sanitaria nella provincia di Modena durante il terremoto del 2012

Abstract: "Questo studio ha voluto analizzare l’evento terremoto verificatosi nella Pianura Padana nel 2012. Nello specifico sono stati raccolti i dati relativi ai danni materiali e morali ed è stata valutata la risposta sanitaria della provincia di Modena a questa emergenza. Lo sciame sismico ha avuto inizio con la scossa del 20 maggio 2012 di […]

Catastrofi ri-generative e luoghi del politico. Un'etnografia partecipata del terremoto emiliano

Abstract: "Questa tesi consiste nell’analisi socio-antropologica delle risposte al sisma che il 20 e il 29 maggio ha colpito l’area nord della pianura padano-emiliana, in Italia. La zona precisa di ricerca è stata quella compresa tra i comuni di Mirandola, Cavezzo, Concordia sul Secchia e San Possidonio, della provincia di Modena. Il soggetto specifico è […]

Essere orchi nella fiaba oggi: il centro di documentazione sul terremoto di Mirandola
“Quando la terra trema”. Comuicazione etica in fase d'emergenza. Il caso del terremoto emiliano del 2012
Il Sisma dell’Emilia nel comune di Mirandola: i bisogni dei cittadini, le risposte della Pubblica Amministrazione, la stima dell’impatto economico
The Ferrara Thrust Earthquakes of May-June 2012: Preliminary Site Response Analysis at the Sites of the OGS Temporary Network

Abstract: "Following the Ml 5.9 earthquake that struck the Emilia area in northern Italy on May 20, 2012, at 02:03:53 UTC, and in co-operation with the personnel of the Municipality of Ferrara and the University of Ferrara, a team of seismologists of the Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS; National Institute of Oceanography […]

Looking for Missing Earthquake Traces in the Ferrara-Modena Plain: An Update on Historical Seismicity

Abstract: "According to the latest issue of the Italian seismic catalogue [Rovida et al. 2011], the area most affected by the May-June 2012 Emilia sequence [for an overview, vide Galli et al. 2012; Tertulliani et al. 2012, this volume] has a centuries-old seismic history of comparatively low magnitude events. These have been on a par […]

Annual Global Climate and Catastrophe Report 2012

Abstract: "Global natural disasters1 in 2012 combined to cause economic losses of USD200 billion, just above the ten year average of USD187 billion. All told there were 295 separate events, compared to an average of 257. The disasters caused insured losses of USD72 billion, about 36 percent above the ten year run-rate of USD53 billion. 2012 […]

The 2012 Pianura Padana Emiliana Seimic Sequence: Locations, Moment Tensors and Magnitudes

Abstract: "On May 20, 2012 (02:03:53 UTC), an Mw 5.86 (Ml 5.9) earthquake struck the Pianura Padana Emiliana region (northern Italy), causing five deaths and damage to several villages and to the towns of Ferrara and Modena. The mainshock was preceded, three hours earlier, by a Mw 3.98 (Ml 4.1) foreshock, which almost co-located with […]

Preliminary Results from EMERSITO, a Rapid Response Network for Site-Effect Studies

Abstract: "On May 20, 2012, at 02:03 UTC, a Ml 5.9 reverse-fault earthquake occurred in the Emilia-Romagna region, northern Italy, at a hypocentral depth of 6.3 km (, close to the cities of Modena and Ferrara in the plain of the Po River. The epicenter was near the village of Finale Emilia where macroseismic intensity […]

Brief communication “Ground failure and liquefaction phenomena triggered by the 20 May 2012 Emilia-Romagna (Northern Italy) earthquake: case study of Sant'Agostino–San Carlo–Mirabello zone“

Abstract: "The basic aim of this study was to observe and report the earthquake-induced ground deformation of the MW = 6.1 Emilia-Romagna (Northern Italy) event that occurred on the 20 May 2012. The event caused widespread structural damages in a large area of the Po Plain, while the most characteristic geological effects were ground failure, […]

Applying the Multiple Inverse Method to the analysis of earthquake focal mechanism data: New insights into the active stress field of Italy and surrounding regions

Abstract: "In order to obtain new insights into the active tectonic setting of the Italian territory and surrounding regions, the Multiple Inverse Method (MIM) has been applied to the analysis of fault plane solutions from more than 700 earthquakes with Mw ≥ 4. The active stress field in the top 40 km of the lithosphere has been defined […]

ShakeMaps during the Emilia sequence

Abstract: "ShakeMap is a software package that can be used to generate maps of ground shaking for various peak ground motion (PGM) parameters, including peak ground acceleration (PGA), peak ground velocity, and spectral acceleration response at 0.3 s, 1.0 s and 3.0 s, and instrumentally derived intensities. ShakeMap has been implemented in Italy at the […]

Una chiesa di campagna a San Biagio. Ricostruire dopo il sisma.
Ripensare il finale: Un centro culturale per la ricomposizione dell'area del castello

Abstract: "L’oggetto della tesi riguarda la riqualificazione dell’area attorno al Castello delle Rocche di Finale Emilia, attraverso l’introduzione di due nuovi edifici adibiti a biblioteca e centro civico. Il tentativo è stato quello di ricomporre questo importante nodo urbano trasformandolo in una grande piazza della cultura che fa perno attorno al castello, ridandogli il giusto […]

Oltre l'altro: Costruire il dialogo. Un progetto per il cimitero e il centro interreligioso a Finale Emilia

Abstract: "Il progetto per il cimitero e centro interreligioso a Finale Emilia nasce dalla terribile vicenda del terremoto del maggio 2012, che ha portato a ripensare e ricostruire la città. Finale Emilia ha perso diversi punti di riferimento durante il sisma: i monumenti e gran parte del patrimonio artistico e culturale della città. Analizzando la […]

Cavezzo, isola di pietra. Percorsi di identità urbana.

Abstract: "La nostra ricerca si è focalizzata sul tema dell’identità di Cavezzo, risorsa preziosa che la catastrofe ha distrutto in un attimo, insieme alle vite umane e ai beni materiali. La perdita di identità comporta infatti negli abitanti la percezione di vivere la propria quotidianità in una sorta di “non luogo”. Poiché il nostro progetto […]

Il nuovo centro sportivo di Mirandola come luogo di rinascita dopo il terremoto

Abstract: "Il progetto per il nuovo centro sportivo di Mirandola nasce prima di tutto dalla volontà di dare alla città un nuovo fronte e un nuovo ingresso. Lo studio generale del masterplan della città, prevede la creazione di tre grandi assi. Il primo a creare un mercato a cielo aperto lungo l’esistente parco, attraverso piccoli […]

La ricomposizione dell'isola dopo il terremoto. L'incontro tra antico e contemporaneo nel castello di Pico della Mirandola

Abstract: "La presente tesi si pone come obiettivo quello di risolvere una delle criticità riscontrabili nel centro storico della città di Mirandola, cioè la ridefinizione dell’isola del castello dei Pico. Grazie all’analisi storica sull’evoluzione planimetrica dell’isola ho potuto concepire le linee guida per la ricomposizione della cittadella del castello. Vengono riproposti l’asse principale trasversale che […]

La chiesa nella chiesa. San Francesco di Mirandola dopo il terremoto
Proposta di ricostruzione post-sisma per il municipio e il teatro del comune di Crevalcore
Emergenza e regolazione: Il terremoto del 2012 nel territorio di Mirandola

Abstract: "La tesi di laurea basa le sue premesse sul ruolo che deve essere svolto dalla regolamentazione di previsione e prevenzione delle emergenze. In particolare, il focus del testo è sul terremoto 2012 dell’Emilia Romagna, nello specifico la città di Mirandola, il quale ha causato ingenti danni e vittime, insieme con le azioni e le […]

Tutela del rischio sismico: esperienze internazionali a confronto

Abstract: "Lo Stato Italiano è caratterizzato da un elevata esposizione alle calamità naturali e soprattutto da un'alta frequenza di eventi sismici. Per proteggere i propri cittadini, il loro patrimonio immobiliare, ed il patrimonio storico-artistico, lo Stato italiano dovrebbe attuare forme di prevenzione e di informazione per mitigare il rischio sismico, dovrebbe adottare un sistema assicurativo […]

“Un'ora vale due”: un progetto di ricostruzione del territorio e della comunità colpiti dal sisma.

Abstract: "L’argomento che ho deciso di trattare nella tesi di laurea, riguarda un progetto di ricostruzione di alcune aree dell’Emilia, colpite dai terremoti del maggio 2012. I promotori del progetto “Un’ora vale due”, sono l’Alleanza cooperativa (che include Legacoop, Confocooperative e AGCI), e i sindacati CGL, CISL e UIL. La realizzazione del progetto è stata […]

Economia dei distretti – poli industriali: Il biomedicale di Mirandola

Abstract: "Il mio elaborato ha come argomento “L’economia dei distretti – poli industriali”, con particolare riguardo al biomedicale di Mirandola. Si tratta di un percorso che vuole mettere in luce i punti di forza e di debolezza del sistema produttivo locale attraverso la sua evoluzione nel tempo. Allo stesso modo si prefigge di mettere in […]

Impatto economico di una calamità naturale: dalla letteratura internazionale uno schema di analisi degli eventi sismici del 2012 in Emilia Romagna

Abstract: "L’avvento di una calamità naturale rappresenta una grave compromissione del funzionamento di una comunità o di una società, consistente in gravi perdite e conseguenze dal punto di vista umano, materiale, economico e ambientale, che superano la capacità della comunità interessata o della società di farvi fronte con risorse proprie. In un territorio caratterizzato da […]

L'impatto dei disastri naturali sull'offerta di servizi commerciali: un'analisi qualitativa sugli effetti del sisma a San Felice sul Panaro

Abstract: "Partendo da un esame della letteratura più rilevante in tema di risorse e competenze, quest’analisi si focalizza sull’impatto dei disastri naturali sui soggetti economici più vulnerabili: quelli dotati di una minore "resource base". In particolare, lo studio si concentra sul caso specifico del terremoto del 2012 ed è mirato a valutare gli effetti del […]

Terremoto e cooperazione: c'è una relazione? Il caso Emiliano

Abstract: "La cooperazione è necessaria per la costruzione e l’evoluzione di nuovi livelli di organizzazione. L’evoluzione si basa su una forte concorrenza tra gli individui e dovrebbe quindi premiare solo il comportamento egoista. Ogni gene, ogni cellula e ogni organismo dovrebbe essere progettato per promuovere il proprio successo evolutivo a discapito dei suoi concorrenti. Tuttavia […]

Resilienza organizzativa: alcuni casi di aziende del distretto biomedicale mirandolese a confronto

Abstract: "Studio della resilienza nei diversi ambiti di apllicazione. Analisi delle modalità di reazione cioè il grado di resilienza che hanno dimostrato le aziende del distretto biomedicale mirandolese in seguito al sisma verificatosi nel maggio 2012. "

Il ruolo delle relazioni inter-imprese nella gestione di eventi critici: il sisma 2012 nel distretto biomedicale di Mirandola

Abstract: "L’accentuarsi della concorrenza globale a cui sono esposte le imprese ha imposto una maggiore attenzione su ogni fonte di vantaggio competitivo. Il contesto economico attuale è caratterizzato da legami strategici tra fornitori e clienti, che possono realmente determinare un punto di forza per le imprese, se sfruttati in modo efficace. In questa ottica, le […]

Dynamic capabilities e resilienza ai disastri naturali: un’analisi sui retailer colpiti dal sisma del 2012 in Emilia

Abstract: "The current paper aims to present some preliminary findings emerging from a quantitative analysis performed in order to investigate the impact of the Earthquake that took place in Emilia in 2012 on retailing. Specifically, this work intends to analyze the retailers’ capabilities to react to a natural disaster. Into this perspective, we adopt the […]

Terremoto e retail: alcune esperienze di negozianti di San Felice sul Panaro

Abstract: "Sono passati poco meno di due anni dalle scosse che nel maggio e giugno del 2012 hanno profondamente colpito il cuore della Pianura Padana. Il fenomeno ha toccato quasi 900 mila persone, coinvolto più di 45 mila imprese e provocato più di dodici miliardi di euro di danni materiali in una delle aree più […]

Governare la Ricostruzione. Modelli e linee guida per la transizione dall'emergenza alla rigenerazione post-sisma in Italia.
Il progetto S.A.T.O.R. - Moduli abitativi temporanei ad alta densità per l'emergenza abitativa post-terremoto e sociale
Metodologie di rilievo integrato in contesti urbani storici post-sisma Il rilievo e il disegno come fondamenti del processo di documentazione e analisi per la Ricostruzione, Raffaelli Carlo
Analisi delle lesioni presenti nelle facciate degli edifici del centro storico di San Giovanni in Persiceto: una possibile interpretazione
Valutazione numerica dei danni prodotti dal sisma su un edificio esistente in muratura
Riabilitazione e miglioramento sismico di un edificio residenziale colpito dal sisma dell'Emilia

Abstract: "Nella tesi che si presenta si è determinata la riduzione percentuale di vulnerabilità sismica di un edificio residenziale, sito a Reggiolo (RE), in seguito ad interventi di riabilitazione e miglioramento sismico con l’introduzione di setti e travi di coronamento in cemento armato. Il punto di partenza è l’analisi delle caratteristiche geometriche dell’edificio, ottenute mediante […]

Analisi costi strutture di fondazione in rapporto alla natura e alle caratteristiche dei terreni nelle aree colpite dal sisma 20-29/05/2012 del modenese

Abstract: "Il lavoro di tesi ha avuto come obiettivo lo studio comparativo di tipologie fondazionali per edifici realizzati nell’area colpita dal terremoto emiliano del 20-29 Maggio 2012. Sono stati in particolare presi in esame un polo scolastico a Medolla ed un edificio residenziale a San Possidonio. In entrambi i casi, è stata valutata la risposta […]

Analisi di Risposta Sismica Locale nella zona colpita dal terremoto emiliano del 2012 - Il caso studio dell'alto strutturale di Mirandola

Abstract: "In questo lavoro di tesi è presentato lo studio della risposta sismica locale relativo a un sito localizzato nel comune di Mirandola. L’area di Mirandola, dal punto di vista geologico-strutturale, si trova sulla dorsale delle pieghe ferraresi e rappresenta uno dei settori epicentrali della sequenza sismica del 2012 che ha colpito l’Emilia-Romagna. Dopo aver […]

Il sisma del 29 Maggio 2012 a Mirandola. Valutazione degli effetti delle onde verticali sul patrimonio edilizio specialistico: il caso di studio del Duomo mirandolese
Seismic response of stone masonry spires: Analytical modeling

Abstract: "Stone masonry spires are vulnerable to seismic loading. Computational methods are often used to predict the dynamic linear elastic response of masonry towers and spires, but this approach is only applicable until the first masonry joint begins to open, limiting the ability to predict collapse. In this paper, analytical modeling is used to investigate […]

La vulnerabilita' degli aggregati edilizi: verifica del metodo generale attraverso l'analisi dei danneggiamenti di singoli edifici nel centro storico di Mirandola

Abstract: "La tesi analizza la vulnerabilità di un aggregato edilizio posto in Mirandola, studiando le vulnerabilità e i danneggiamenti sui prospetti e negli interni degli edifici."

Vulnerabilità sismica e riorganizzazione del sistema delle dotazioni pubbliche nel territorio Centese

Abstract: "Il Sisma dell’Emilia Romagna ha cambiato di colpo l’assetto territoriale, gli edifici e soprattutto le dotazioni territoriali. L’argomento della tesi di laurea si inserisce nell’ambito delle iniziative mirate a fare fronte all’evento sismico, in particolare riguarda la costruzione dello strumento del Piano dei Servizi del Comune di Cento, quale base conoscitiva e di lavoro […]

Analisi storica e costruttiva di un aggregato in muratura allo scopo di determinare strumenti utili a prevenire cinematismi di danno. Il caso di un isolato del centro storico di Crevalcore

Abstract: "Nella presente Tesi è stato fatto un lavoro di analisi storica e costruttiva di un aggregato in muratura del centro storico della città di Crevalcore per determinarne le vulnerabilità e ipotizzare cinematismi di danno di primo modo sulla base delle carenze strutturali rilevate. Tutto ciò al fine di sviluppare strumenti, in questo caso indici […]

Un cantiere di Aalto in Italia. Analisi storica, critica e strutturale sulla chiesa di Riola di Vergato. Intervento di adeguamento sismico alla luce del terremoto in Emilia del 2012
Seismic resilience of hospital

Abstract: "The evaluation of the seismic resilience involves many different fields and therefore requires a multidisciplinary approach. As matter of fact, the technical literature needed to develop this research topic comes from many different fields and only few scholars have faced the complexity arising from the simultaneous adoption of varied backgrounds and competences. Nowadays most […]

Seismic vulnerability analysis for masonry hospital structures: expeditious and detailed methods

Abstract: "Italy is a territory characterized by a high seismic risk. The assessment of the structural vulnerability for existing buildings is a key aspect for the seismic risk reduction, in particular for strategic and relevant buildings because of their importance for the civil protection. In case of a large sample of buildings, a first screening […]

Ricostruzione geologica tridimensionale della stratigrafia tardo-quaternaria nel sottosuolo di Ferrara

Abstract: This work is aimed at the reconstruction of the upper Quaternary depositional architecture, below the urban area of Ferrara, in northern Italy. The study area is part of the lower alluvial plain of the Po and Reno rivers and is therefore dominate by fluvial channel sands, levee sands-silts, and interchannel depression mud. The research […]

Procedura per il riconoscimento delle unità elementari negli aggregati urbani attraveso la comprensione dei processi tipologici

Abstract: "Seismic events in recent years have caused heavy damage to historic city centers. This calls for an effective planning aimed at reaching an adequate decrease of the vulnerability of city centers buildings. A deep knowledge of the structure of the urban environment ‐ and, to a lesser extent, of the buildings the urban environment […]

Palazzo Borsari a Finale Emilia: Rilievo e conoscenza per il restauro di un monumento danneggiato dal sisma di Baldini, Martina ; Nanni, Angelo ; Rossi, Jacopo

Abstract: "Il Palazzo Borsari, ora Palazzo Rossi, situato a Finale Emilia in provincia di Modena, viene edificato intorno alla fine del XVIII secolo. A partire dal 2012 il Palazzo muta il suo valore identitario: da edificio rappresentativo della città, che conserva esternamente il suo aspetto originario, a testimonianza del sisma che colpisce gravemente Finale Emilia. […]

Terremoto emilia 2012: I “torrioni“ di San Prospero - dalla messa in sicurezza alla nuova funzione.

Abstract: "L’oggetto di questa tesi è la villa i Torrioni situata nel comune di San Prospero in provincia di Modena. Si tratta di una villa a due torri presumibilmente sorta nella prima metà del Cinquecento, in aperta campagna. L’interesse verso il fabbricato nasce dallo stato di danno provocato dagli eventi sismici che hanno coinvolto questi […]

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