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Home » Stefani Marco
Sedimentology and composition of sands injected during the seismic crisis of May 2012 (Emilia, Italy): clues for source layer identification and liquefaction regime

Abstract: "In May 2012 widespread sand blows formed along buried channels in the eastern sector of the Po Plain (Northern Italy) as a consequence of a series of seismic events with main shocks of Mw 6.1 and 5.9. At San Carlo (Ferrara) a trench dug a few week after the earthquakes exposed sand dikes cutting […]

Palaeoseismological evidence for the 1570 Ferrara earthquake, Italy
The first Italian blast-induced liquefaction test (Mirabello, Emilia-Romagna, Italy): description of the experiment and preliminary results

Abstract: "Soil liquefaction can result in significant settlement and reduction of load-bearing capacity. Moreover, the increase and the accumulation of pore pressure during an earthquake and its post-seismic dissipation can generate permanent deformations and settlements. The quantitative evaluation of post-liquefaction settlements is of extreme importance for engineering purposes, i.e. for earthquake-resistant design of new buildings […]

Electrical resistivity tomography investigation of coseismic liquefaction and fracturing at San Carlo, Ferrara Province, Italy

Abstract: "Massive surface fracturing and sand ejection took place during the main shock of the May 20, 2012, earthquake (ML = 5.9) in the Emilia-Romagna region, northern Italy. These phenomena were induced by the liquefaction of water-saturated sand layers, and they damaged several buildings, as well as many roads and sidewalks. They were clustered between […]

Controllo dellàarchitettura stratigrafica olocenica e ellàassetto geomorfologico sugli effetti locali delle scosse del 2012 del ferrarese occidentale
Sedimentology and composition of sands injected during the seismic crisis of May 2012 (Emilia, Italy): clues for source layer identification and liquefaction regime
Sedimentology and composition of sands injected during the seismic crisis of May 2012 (Emilia, Italy): clues for source layer identification and liquefaction regime
Geological Evidence of Pre-2012 Seismic Events, Emilia-Romagna, Italy

Abstract: "In May 2012, two moderate (-to-strong) earthquakes that were associated with a noticeable aftershock sequence affected the eastern sector of the Po Plain, Italy, in correspondence with a buried portion of the Apennines thrust belt. The Provinces of Ferrara, Modena and Bologna (Emilia Romagna Region), Mantua (Lombardy Region), and Rovigo (Veneto Region) were affected […]

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Regione Emilia Romagna
Viale Aldo Moro ,52 40127 Bologna

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