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Home » Tarabusi Gabriele
Cartografia speditiva dell’amplificazione e del rischio di liquefazione nelle aree epicentrali del terremoto dell’Emilia 2012 (ML=5.9)

Abstract:  "Il 20 maggio 2012 in Pianura Padana è iniziata una sequenza sismica che ha interessato una vasta area compresa tra le Province di Reggio Emilia, Modena, Mantova, Bologna e Ferrara. La prima forte scossa, di magnitudo locale ML=5,9, è avvenuta alle 4:03 ora locale, con epicentro tra Mirandola e Finale Emilia, seguita, nel giro […]

Microzonazione Sismica dellàarea epicentrale del terremoto della pianura emiliana del 2012 (Ord. 70/2012)
Mappatura dell'anticlinale di Mirandola, Italia, Mediante Misure HVSR
Il complesso sistema di sorgenti sismogeniche nell'area ferrarese e i loro effetti nella storia
The use of HVSR measurements for investigating buried tectonic structures: the Mirandola anticline, Northern Italy, as a case study

Abstract: "The Mirandola anticline represents a buried fault-propagation fold which has been growing during Quaternary due to the seismogenic activity of a blind segment belonging to the broader Ferrara Arc. The last reactivation occurred during the May 2012 Emilia sequence. In correspondence with this structure, the thickness of the marine and continental deposits of the […]

The first Italian blast-induced liquefaction test (Mirabello, Emilia-Romagna, Italy): description of the experiment and preliminary results

Abstract: "Soil liquefaction can result in significant settlement and reduction of load-bearing capacity. Moreover, the increase and the accumulation of pore pressure during an earthquake and its post-seismic dissipation can generate permanent deformations and settlements. The quantitative evaluation of post-liquefaction settlements is of extreme importance for engineering purposes, i.e. for earthquake-resistant design of new buildings […]

Time-shear-Wave Velocity Profiles Across the Ferrara Arc: A Contribution for Assessing the Recent Activity of Blind Tectonic Structures
Mappatura dell'anticlinale di Mirandola, Italia, Mediante Misure HVSR
Assessment of liquefaction potential for two liquefaction prone areas considering the May 20, 2012 Emilia (Italy) earthquake

Abstract: "On the 20th and 29th of May 2012, two earthquakes occurred in Emilia-Romagna region (Northern Italy) triggering extensive liquefaction of the subsoil units. The consequences of liquefaction have been observed and reported by several agencies in a widespread area. The most impressive liquefaction manifestations were documented in a zone 3–4 km-long and 1 km-wide, where the […]

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Centro documentazione sisma 2012
Via Luosi 40 Mirandola, MO
Regione Emilia Romagna
Viale Aldo Moro ,52 40127 Bologna

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